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.vellip, .vellip::before, .vellip::after, .conversation-module > li::after, .conversation-module > li::before {
background: transparent;
.conversation-module li:not(.original-tweet-item) {
display: none;
postcasio / personlist.js
Last active December 22, 2015 01:08 — forked from Radnen/personlist.js
(function(gpl, dp, cp, cm, me) {
var dirty = true, list = [];
GetPersonList = function() {
if (dirty) {
list = gpl();
dirty = false;
return list;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Entity version="2" CardID="EX1_365">
<Tag name="CardName" enumID="185" type="String">
<enUS>Holy Wrath</enUS>
<frFR>Colère divine</frFR>
<ruRU>Гнев небес</ruRU>
<ptBR>Ira Sagrada</ptBR>
abcd |
abcdefgh |
abcdefghijkl |
abcdefghijklmnop |
atomdoc = require 'atomdoc'
marked = require 'marked'
doc = "
Public: Add one or more command listeners associated with a selector.
## Arguments: Registering One Command
* `target` A {String} containing a CSS selector or a DOM element. If you
pass a selector, the command will be globally associated with all matching
"classes": {
"CommandRegistry": {
"name": "CommandRegistry",
"filename": "src/",
"srcUrl": null,
"sections": [],
"classMethods": [],
"instanceMethods": [{
"name": "add",
postcasio / BitmapFont.d.ts
Created September 14, 2019 22:31
export default class BitmapFont {
fileName: string;
height: number;
constructor(path: string);
drawText(surface: Surface, x: number, y: number, text: string, color?: Color, wrap_width?: number): void;
getTextSize(text: string, wrap?: number): {
width: number;
height: number;
heightOf(text: string, wrap?: number): number;