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Patch for
- define a ModelPkField intended specifically to define a read-only pk field.
- validates that the pk value in the post data matches the form's instance, (or that the pk value is None if form has no instance)
i.e., verify that no one tampered with the form's pk data on the round trip
- ModelFormSet uses this field type to define these hidden pk fields, and returns the form's original instance if it validates
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms.fields import Field
powderflask /
Created December 19, 2023 04:55
Django management command to wipe all traces of a django app with models from DB
Completely remove all traces of a django app from the DB.
Suggested workflow:
Step 1: carefully remove dependencies on app from code base
Step 2: run this command to remove all traces of app model instances and content types from DB
Step 3: deploy code changes and this command everywhere (e.g., on stage and production codebase and DB)