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<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col">Grade</th>
<caption>We would like the table headers to be read by screen readers but not shown to users</caption>
<th id="course_title">Course Title</th>
<th id="course_date">Course Date</th>
<th id="course_status">Course Status</th>
<div class="sl_block_row">
<div class="sl_form_label_block">
<span id="active_text">Set Team as Active?</span>
<span role="tooltip" id="team_active_options_tip" class="help_tip" title="Active teams are visible to all team members. Inactive teams can be seen only by team managers and administrators."
aria-label="Active teams are visible to all team members. Inactive teams can be seen only by team managers and administrators.">?</span>
<div class="sl_formfield_block" id="team_active_options">
<div class="sl_radio"><span class="sl_radio"><label for="team_active"><input type="radio" name="set_team_active" id="team_active" value="1" checked aria-labelledby="active_text" aria-describedby="team_active_options_tip" />&nbsp;<span class="sl_radio_label">Yes</span></label></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<span class="sl_radio"><label for="team_inactive"><input type="radio" name="set_team_active" id="team_inactive" value="0" aria-labell
powrsurg / YyEzYj.markdown
Last active October 16, 2015 13:30
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<source src=""></source>
<track label="Captions" src="" kind="captions"></track>
Firefox keyboard shortcuts
space = play/pause
up/down arrows = increase/decrease volume
right/left arrow = seek backward/forwards by 15 seconds
ctrl+left/ctrl+right arrow = seek backward/forwards by 10% seconds
ctrl+up/ctrl+down arrow = mute/unmute
home = seek to beginning
end = seek to end