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Przemek Piotrowski ppiotrow

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def p12[T](list: Seq[(Int, T)]): Seq[T] = {
def p12inner(listInner: Seq[(Int, T)], acc: List[T]): Seq[T] = {
if (listInner.isEmpty) acc
p12inner(listInner.tail, acc ::: List.fill(listInner.head._1)(listInner.head._2))
p12inner(list, List())
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P17 {
def split[T](n: Int, ts: Seq[T]): (Seq[T], Seq[T]) =
val tsWithIndexes = ts.zipWithIndex
def filterPairValue(p: ((T, Int)) => Boolean): Seq[T] = for (x <- tsWithIndexes if p(x)) yield x._1
val first = filterPairValue(_._2 < n)
val second = filterPairValue(_._2 >= n)
(first, second)
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P18 {
def slice[T](from: Int, to: Int, ts: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = ts.splitAt(to)._1.drop(from)
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P18 {
def slice[T](from: Int, to: Int, ts: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = ts take to drop from
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P19 {
def rotate[T](n: Int, ts: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
val k = if (n > 0) n else ts.length + n
val (l, r) = ts.splitAt(k)
r ++ l
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P21 {
def insertAt[T](toAdd: T, position: Int, ts: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = ts.take(position) ++ Seq(toAdd) ++ ts.drop(position)
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P22 {
def range(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[Int] = from until to + 1
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P22 {
def range(from: Int, to: Int): Seq[Int] = from until to + 1
package pl.japila.scalania.s99
object S99_P22 {
def isSorted[A](as: Array[A], gt: (A, A) => Boolean): Boolean = as.sortWith(gt) == as
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
data = """Benchmark (bigType) (index) (param) (smallType) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
UtilBenchmark.galloping 0 0 15 0 thrpt 6 7023702,891 ± 331795,244 ops/s
UtilBenchmark.galloping 0 0 15 1 thrpt 6 5541753,547 ± 236882,190 ops/s
UtilBenchmark.galloping 0 0 25 0 thrpt 6 3183137,341 ± 159748,053 ops/s
UtilBenchmark.galloping 0 0 25 1 thrpt 6 4461787,786 ± 225058,184 ops/s
UtilBenchmark.galloping 0 0 30 0 thrpt 6 955367,713 ± 49331,396 ops/s