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│ appsettings.Development.json
│ appsettings.json
│ b.Client.dll
│ b.Client.pdb
│ b.Server.deps.json
│ b.Server.dll
│ b.Server.exe
│ b.Server.pdb
│ b.Server.runtimeconfig.json
│ Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.dll
"Metadata": [{
"Source": "BlazorWasm",
"Name": "blazorwasm/download-size",
"ShortDescription": "Download size (KB)",
"LongDescription": "Download size (KB)",
"Format": "n2"
}, {
"Source": "BlazorWasm",
"Name": "blazorwasm/commit",
"Metadata": [{
"Source": "BlazorWasm",
"Name": "blazorwasm/download-size",
"ShortDescription": "Download size (KB)",
"LongDescription": "Download size (KB)",
"Format": "n2"
}, {
"Source": "BlazorWasm",
"Name": "blazorwasm/commit",
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
pranavkm / PersonController.cs
Created June 5, 2018 00:17
Stripped down copy of scaffolded controller using Entity Framework
// GET: api/Person
public IEnumerable<Person> GetPerson()
return _context.Person;
// GET: api/Person/5
public async Task<IActionResult> GetPerson([FromRoute] int id)
"runtimeTarget": {
"name": ".NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1",
"signature": "76def3610bfe8d0a199dc6f66d3ca010b0e3cd6a"
"compilationOptions": {
"defines": [
## Opting in
With embedded file providers, a gesture is required to register the assembly as a source for views \ pages. For precompiled views, the `ViewsFeatureProvider` discovers precompiled views in all available application parts and registers them. In scenarios like Identity UI, where additional configuration is a must before the pages \ views could be lit up, we need a way to indicate to the feature provider to disallow loading views from specific parts.
One way to achieve this would be to annotate the `Assembly` \ `AssemblyPart` with a attribute property that turns off view discovery.
### Library Precedence
By default,
Folder PATH listing for volume DATA
Volume serial number is 00000027 9CD2:0E71
³ appsettings.json
³ bower.json
³ bundleconfig.json
³ dotnet-bundle.dll
³ filelist.txt
³ Framework.deps.json
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] Webpack@0.0.0 C:\b\w\474ea01f936dbe26\.r\JavaScriptServices\samples\misc\Webpack
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] +-- aspnet-prerendering@1.0.7
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | +-- domain-task@2.0.3
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | | +-- domain-context@0.5.1
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | | `-- isomorphic-fetch@2.2.1
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | | +-- node-fetch@1.7.0
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | | | +-- encoding@0.1.12
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | | | | `-- iconv-lite@0.4.17
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | | | `-- is-stream@1.1.0
[19:57:54] [Step 3/4] | | `-- whatwg-fetch@2.0.3
Restoring packages for restore-projects\Microsoft.NETCore.App.proj...
\dotnet\sdk\1.0.0-rc3-004522\NuGet.targets(97,5): error : Failed to resolve conflicts for .NETCoreApp,Version=v1.1. [restore-projects\Microsoft.NETCore.App.proj]
\dotnet\sdk\1.0.0-rc3-004522\NuGet.targets(97,5): error : Unable to satisfy conflicting requests for 'Microsoft.NETCore.App': project/Microsoft.NETCore.App (>= 1.0.0) (via project/Microsoft.NETCore.App 1.0.0), Microsoft.NETCore.App (>= 1.2.0-beta-001304-00) (via project/Microsoft.NETCore.App 1.0.0) [restore-projects\Microsoft.NETCore.App.proj]
\dotnet\sdk\1.0.0-rc3-004522\NuGet.targets(97,5): error : Unable to satisfy conflicting requests for 'Libuv': Libuv (>= 1.10.0-preview1-22036) (via package/Microsoft.NETCore.App 1.2.0-beta-001304-00) [restore-projects\Microsoft.NETCore.App.proj]
\dotnet\sdk\1.0.0-rc3-004522\NuGet.targets(97,5): error : Unable to satisfy conflicting requests for 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp': Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (>= 1.3.0) (via package/Microsoft.NE