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Prem Rose premasagar

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PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name, ?depiction, ?thumbnail, ?influences, ?abstract
<> rdfs:label ?name;
foaf:depiction ?depiction ;
<> ?thumbnail;
<> ?abstract. - painting; portrait - Isaac Newton’s reflecting telescope (replica) - print; portrait - medal - Metal spectacles with small thick oval lenses, as suggested - Newton's furnace, 1696-1727. - Royal Society Medal - Engraving: The paternal house of Sir Isaac Newton ... born 2
premasagar / _gzip.js
Created August 11, 2010 17:57 — forked from bga/_gzip.js
window._gzip = (function()
var _matchCount = function(s, word)
var n = 0, wordLen = word.length, p = -wordLen;
while((p = s.indexOf(word, p + wordLen)) > -1)
return n;
premasagar / tim.js
Created August 12, 2010 17:52
A tiny, secure JavaScript micro-templating script. It doesn't use eval or (new Function), so it cannot execute malicious code.
== Tim ==
A tiny, secure JavaScript micro-templating script.
This has now moved to:
premasagar /
Created August 28, 2010 23:00
7z command line: adds directory "mydirectory" to archive myarchive.7z, using "ultra settings"
# adds directory "mydirectory" to archive myarchive.7z, using "ultra settings"
7z a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on myarchive.7z mydirectory
premasagar / numb.js
Created August 29, 2010 09:25
random numbers, ranges, rounding and more
var numb = {
random integer
call it with the length of an array; returns a random
index or, if no argument suppplied, returns 0 or 1
randomInt(); // will return 0 or 1
randomInt(3); // will return 0, 1 or 2
Rules on omitting quotation marks from HTML5 attributes:
An unquoted attribute value has the following restrictions:
* must not contain any literal space characters
* must not contain any """, "'", ">", "=", characters
* must not be the empty string
premasagar / enumerables.js
Created January 17, 2011 17:59
Enumerable arrays and objects - useful methods
var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach ?
function(array, fn, thisp){
return array.forEach(fn, thisp);
} :
function(array, fn, thisp){
var i = 0,
arrayCopy = Object(array),
length = arrayCopy.length;
for (; i < length; i++){
// Use the test to create a simple element positioning function
function positionElemSimple(elem, x, y){ = "position:absolute;top:" + y + "px;left:" + x + "px;";
return elem;
function positionElem3d(elem, x, y){
var translate3d = "transform:translate3d(" + x + "px," + y + "px,0);";
premasagar / tim-lite-min.js
Created March 18, 2011 05:53
Tim (lite), renamed to timLite, for including in perf tests at
var timLite=function(){var e=/{{\s*([a-z0-9_][\\.a-z0-9_]*)\s*}}/gi;return function(f,g){return f.replace(e,function(h,i){for(var c=i.split("."),d=c.length,b=g,a=0;a<d;a++){b=b[c[a]];if(b===void 0)throw"tim: '"+c[a]+"' not found in "+h;if(a===d-1)return b}})}}();