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proukornew / 240914.ntlds
Created September 24, 2014 21:06
new gtld stats 240914
airforce 2
army 2
auction 2
boo 2
business 2
capetown 2
cern 2
city 2
college 2
cuisinella 2
#5&0xff=TTL, здесь нужно указать правильный TTL до DPI
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --sport 443 -m u32 --u32 "0=0x45000028&&4=0x00000000&&5&0xff=60&&0x20=0x50140000" -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --sport 80 -m u32 --u32 "04=0x00000000&&5&0xff=60&&0x60=0x39352e31&&0x64=0x36372e31" -j DROP
#Зигуй за РТ
public static class C2983b {
//Some constants to find code
public static final UUID baseUUID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
public static final UUID f13267b = C2983b.genUUIDfromBase(10498);
public static final UUID f13268c = C2983b.genUUIDfromBase(6159);
public static final UUID f13269d = C2983b.genUUIDfromBase(10777);

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am proukornew on github.
  • I am proukornew2 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDtHeNX-Ijp-9A6MDNKfqg1ccq7ptBg60mD2nfLOSXsNAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

proukornew / gist:84c563e7ee71e7899b23927658d2ab00
Created June 16, 2021 17:17
make COMP=mingw profile-build ARCH=x86-64-modern CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++.exe (profile fix)
Default net: nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue
Already available.
debug: 'no'
sanitize: 'no'
optimize: 'yes'
arch: 'x86_64'
bits: '64'
kernel: 'CYGWIN_NT-6.3-WOW'
proukornew / gist:8a0aa371c614695bc3b53aaee6543e49
Created June 16, 2021 17:18
make COMP=mingw profile-build ARCH=x86-64-modern CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-c++.exe (no profile fix)
Default net: nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnue
Already available.
debug: 'no'
sanitize: 'no'
optimize: 'yes'
arch: 'x86_64'
bits: '64'
kernel: 'CYGWIN_NT-6.3-WOW'