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CL-USER> (floor 18014398509481980d0)
CL-USER> (floor 18014398509481981d0)
CL-USER> (floor 18014398509481982d0)
CL-USER> (floor 18014398509481983d0)
;; A function to help generate graphs made from cons cells.
;; target is either a symbol representing a nodename or the form (v xxx) where
;; xxx is some value we want for the car/cdr of the node. Don't make mistakes
;; when specifying the dsl, there is no error checking.
;; (a :r a)
;; (a :l b :l c :l (:v 42))
;; and so on.
;; If there are no computable roots, then one must specify the roots with
;; (:roots a b c ... z)
(defun gen-cons-graph (dsl)
ATTRIBUTE-BAG> (make-attribute-bag :supersede (u:dict :a 1 :b 2) :alist '((:c . 3) (:d . 4)) :plist '(:e 5 :f 6) '(:d 100))
#<ATTRIBUTE-BAG {101D50C053}>
ATTRIBUTE-BAG> (dump-attribute-bag *)
Attribute bag:
name: :A
attr semantic value is 1, computed value is "UNBOUND"
name: :B
attr semantic value is 2, computed value is "UNBOUND"
name: :C
attr semantic value is 3, computed value is "UNBOUND"
(defun sieve (pred sequ &key (key #'identity)
(values t)
(pred-range-sort (constantly nil))
(initial-key-pool nil) ;; ensure all buckets present!
(result-transformer-func #'identity)
(decorate-position nil))
(let ((result (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
;; Initialize the key pool if supplied.
(when initial-key-pool
;; Experimental v:define-texture-map description.
;; The v:define-texture-map DSL is a means to define how texture maps are
;; stored and organized. In this discussion, a "texture-map" is all of the data
;; associated with an opengl texture. A 2d texture map, for example, can have
;; many mipmaps associated with it. A 3d texture maps has mipmaps of a
;; different format than a 2d texture. A cube map has 6 faces, each a
;; texture-map, and each face might also have mipmaps.
;; Experimental v:define-texture-map description.
;; The v:define-texture-map DSL is a means to define how texture maps are
;; stored and organized. In this discussion, a "texture-map" is all of the data
;; associated with an opengl texture. A 2d texture map, for example, can have
;; many mipmaps associated with it. A 3d texture maps has mipmaps of a
;; different format thatn a 2d texture. A cube map has 6 faces, each a
;; texture-map, and each face might also have mipmaps.
;; TODO: It is the case that we could observe when we're not in a running
;; core and indicate a "previously defined" warning.
;; Behold if we put this form into this macro:
;; (format t "*load-true-name: ~A, *compile-file-truename*: ~A~%"
;; *load-truename* *compile-file-truename*)
;; Notice under these conditions:
;; *ltn* *cft* Observation
<mfiano> Gleefre: No, there was a time when I rewrote crawler like 5 times
under various brand names :) I have no idea what I was smoking at
that point in my life. Nothing voluntary, that's for sure. [17:12]
<mfiano> THe latest incarnation was [17:13]
<mfiano> But the answer to your question was actually "yes". It at one point
moved from to bufferswap's repos. [17:14]
<mfiano> I think that was the first nameless jump [17:15]
<mfiano> ah no, the first was actually a python codebase, named crawlr,
without the "e". #2 was the original CL project on axity. #3 was
crawler2 rewrite to be more efficient with psilord's help on the