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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Open Knowledge / Cabinet Office Code Club, week 8
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"# Using Shapefiles and Generating Choropleth Maps\n",
"Choropleth maps are maps in which well-defined regions of a map are coloured according to a particular indicator value.\n",
"To generate such a map, we need three things:\n",
"- a base map object;\n",
"- one or more connected/closed boundary lines to describe the shape(s)/region(s)\n",
"- an indicator whose value we can translate to a colour to fill a corresponding shape/region\n",
"In terms of getting boundary lines, the *geojson* data format (`.json`, `.geojson`) is increasingly used as a lightweight standard for trasnporting geodata in web apps. Other formats include KML (`.kml`) and ESRI shapefiles (`.shp`)."
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"## Sources of boundary lines\n",
"One useful source of boundary line data for UK administrative boundaries is from the MySociety [MapIt]( website/service.\n",
"For example, we can identify a range of adminsitrative boundaries for the Isle of Wight by looking up the Isle of Wight Council postcode on MapIt: [PO30 1UD](\n",
"From there we can get a link to an adminstrative region, such as the [Isle of Wight parliamentary constituency]( You can also use MapIt to find other regions, such as adjoining regions, or regions covered by or covering a particular area.\n",
"We can then get the geometry file [as geojson]( and render it using *folium*.\n",
"Martin Chorley has collected together on Github a range of useful shapefiles in geojson and TopoJSON formats that describe various electoral boundaries [martinjc/UK-GeoJSON]("
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"from IPython.display import HTML\n",
"import folium\n",
"def inline_map(map):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Embeds the HTML source of the map directly into the IPython notebook.\n",
" \n",
" This method will not work if the map depends on any files (json data). Also this uses\n",
" the HTML5 srcdoc attribute, which may not be supported in all browsers.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" map._build_map()\n",
" return HTML('<iframe srcdoc=\"{srcdoc}\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 510px; border: none\"></iframe>'.format(srcdoc=map.HTML.replace('\"', '&quot;')))\n",
"def embed_map(map, path=\"map.html\"):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Embeds a linked iframe to the map into the IPython notebook.\n",
" \n",
" Note: this method will not capture the source of the map into the notebook.\n",
" This method should work for all maps (as long as they use relative urls).\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" map.create_map(path=path)\n",
" return HTML('<iframe src=\"files/{path}\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 510px; border: none\"></iframe>'.format(path=path))"
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"iw_map = folium.Map(location=[50.666, -1.37], zoom_start=11)\n",
"iw_map.geo_json(geo_path= geojson_url_iw)\n",
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"**See if you can map some other areas of different administrative type.**"
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"As we did last week, we can patch a standalone HTML file containing the map created/saved using `embed_map()` with the following routine:"
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"def patcher(fn='map.html'):\n",
" f=open(fn,'r')\n",
" f.close()\n",
" html=html.replace('\"//','\"http://')\n",
" f=open(fn,'w')\n",
" f.write(html)\n",
" f.close()\n",
" \n",
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"### Colouring the regions\n",
"You can play with the fill colour and transparency level of the data using the `fill_color` and `fill_opacity` parameters to the `.geo_json()` function."
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"#We can also move up a level to the South East region ( for example\n",
"se_map = folium.Map(location=[51.4, -1], zoom_start=8)\n",
"se_map.geo_json(geo_path= geojson_url_se,fill_color='green',fill_opacity=0.3)\n",
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"**Experiment with various fill colour and transparency settings.**\n",
"**How would you add additional regions to the map?**"
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"#See if you can figure out how to add several regions to the map, perhaps with different colours...\n",
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"#We can add additional layers to the map object, just as we added additional markers to the map last week\n",
"#So for example, add an IW layer to the SE map...\n",
"se_map.geo_json(geo_path= geojson_url_iw,fill_color='orange',fill_opacity=0.3)\n",
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"If we look at the page for Newport - []( - the \"county town\" of the Isle of Wight, we see that we can find a list of additional geographies covered by that region:[](\n",
"We can futher filter these to geographies of a particular type, for example:\n",
"We can also get this data back as JSON:"
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"#Use the requests library to load the json data\n",
"import requests\n",
"import json\n",
"jsondata=json.loads( requests.get(regions).content )\n",
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"#We can iterate through the covered regions to grab their ids\n",
"for key in jsondata:\n",
" print(key)"
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"**Can you think of a way of taking the Isle of Wight map (`iw_map` above) and adding to it white filled boundaries for the URE regions covered by Newport?**"
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"#Using iw_map, try to add white colour filled shapes for each UTE region in Newport\n",
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"for key in jsondata:\n",
" tmp_url='{}.geojson'.format(key)\n",
" iw_map.geo_json(geo_path= tmp_url,fill_color='white',fill_opacity=1)\n",
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"## Generating Choropleth Maps\n",
"Something topical...\n",
"Chris Hanretty et al. are making election forecasts based on aggregated poll data available at [](\n",
"The forecast data is published as an HTML table at [](\n",
"**HOW WOULD YOU LOAD THIS DATA INTO A PANDAS DATAFRAME? (HINT: do you remember how to use .read_html()?)**"
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"#See if you can grab the data from\n",
"#into a pandas dataframe...\n",
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"#We can grab the data into a data frame by scraping the tabular HTML data from the URL directly\n",
"#The pandas .read_html() function can accept a URL and will return a list of tables scraped from the page\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"#We index into the table list response to get the table we want...\n",
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"If you look at the election forecast data you wil see the official name of the constituency listed in the *Seat* column.\n",
"Now let's grab some shapefiles corresponding to the Westminster consituencies."
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"#Grab Westminster parliamentary constituency shapefiles from Martin Chorley's github repository\n",
"import requests\n",
"r = requests.get(url)\n",
"#And save it to the local directory as the file wpc.json\n",
"with open(\"wpc.json\", \"wb\") as code:\n",
" code.write(r.content)\n",
"#Free up memory...\n",
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"As well as setting `geo_path=URL`, we can also set `geo_path=LOCAL_FILE`.\n",
"**See if you can plot a map showing the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency boundaries**\n",
"Look at the documentation for more details. For example:"
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"#Now try plotting a map of UK Westminster Parliamentary Constituency boundaries\n",
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"#Here's one way...\n",
"#Create a base map\n",
"wpc_map = folium.Map(location=[55, 0], zoom_start=5)\n",
"wpc_map.geo_json(geo_path= \"wpc.json\",fill_color='orange',fill_opacity=0.3)\n",
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"If you look at the structure of the *wpc.json* file, you will see that it takes the following form:\n",
"That is, it contains a list of `features` each of which have a set of `properties` that includes one called `PCON13NM` that contains the parlimentary constituency name."
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"wpc_map.geo_json(geo_path='wpc.json', data=df[0],data_out='data_lab.json', columns=['Seat', 'Labour'],\n",
" key_on='',threshold_scale=[0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100],\n",
" fill_color='OrRd')\n",
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"**How would you create a map to show the likelihood of the Conservatives winning each seat?**"
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"#Create a forecast map showing the likelihood of the Conservatives taking each seat\n",
"#Use a different colour theme such as GnBu for the colour scale\n",
"#Other colour schemes can be found from the library docmentation -\n",
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"The folium library does not allow us to pass in discrete coloursor use a categorical mapping when binding data. Instead, if we wanted to plot a map that showed the colour of the most likely winner of a seat, we would need to:\n",
"- reshape the data to find out the party most likely to take the seat (the one with the highet forecast value)\n",
"- generate a colour mapping\n",
"- iterate through each seat and plot the constituency separately."
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"forecast_m =pd.melt(df[0], id_vars=['Seat','Region'],\n",
" value_vars=['Conservatives','Labour','Liberal Democrats','SNP','Plaid Cymru','Greens','UKIP','Other'],\n",
" var_name='Party', value_name='forecast')\n",
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"likelyparty=forecast_m.sort('forecast', ascending=False).groupby('Seat', as_index=False).first()\n",
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" 'Labour':'red',\n",
" 'Liberal Democrats':'yellow',\n",
" 'SNP':'orange',\n",
" 'Plaid Cymru':'pink',\n",
" 'Greens':'green',\n",
" 'UKIP':'purple',\n",
" 'Other':'black'}\n",
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"The next thing we need to do is to be able to get hold of the shape information for each constituency. *folium* handled this for us automatically when we used the `.geo_json()` function, but this time we need to extract a separate boundary for each constituency.\n",
"Note also that we can pass a geojson string into folium using `geo_str=GOEJSON_STRING` rather than passing in a filename or URL using `geo_path`."
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"import json\n",
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"for c in jj['features'][:3]:\n",
" print(c['properties']['PCON13NM'])"
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"#If we convert the dataframe to a dict, we can lookup colour by seat\n",
"#Set the index to be the seat, then we get a nested dict keyed at the top level by column and then by seat\n",
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"#Can you remember how we added boundaries for areas in Newport to the Isle of Wight map...\n",
"#The following approach uses a similar principle\n",
"forecast_map = folium.Map(location=[55, 0], zoom_start=5)\n",
"#Iterate through each constituency in the geojson file getting each feature (constituency shapefile) in turn\n",
"for c in jj['features']:\n",
" #The geojson format requires that features are provided in a list and a FeatureCollection defined as the type\n",
" #So we wrap the feature definition for each constituency in the necessary format\n",
" geodata= {\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", \"features\": [c]}\n",
" #Get the name of the seat for the current constituency\n",
" seat=c['properties']['PCON13NM']\n",
" #We can now lookup the colour \n",
" colour= likelyparty_dict['colour'][seat]\n",
" forecast_map.geo_json(geo_str= json.dumps(geodata),fill_color=colour,fill_opacity=1)\n",
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"## Working With ESRI .shp Shapefiles\n",
"*folium* makes working with maps using geojson relatively straightforward. However, if your shapefiles come in the form of ESRI `.shp` format files, *folium* cannot work with them directly.\n",
"A workaround is to convert the `.shp` file to a geojson file for use directly in *folium*.\n",
"The Python `shapefile` library (available as [pyshp]( helps us do what we need.\n",
"(Note that there are more powerful tools available for working with geo-data, including a *pandas* extension called *geopandas*, but many of them require additional non-python packages libraries installing on your computer before they can be used.)"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"#You will probably ned to install pyshp which contains the shapefile package\n",
"#!pip install pyshp\n",
"import shapefile\n",
"#I got a few cribs for how to use this package to generate JOSN file from here\n",
"def records(filename): \n",
" # generator \n",
" reader = shapefile.Reader(filename) \n",
" fields = reader.fields[1:] \n",
" field_names = [field[0] for field in fields] \n",
" for sr in reader.shapeRecords(): \n",
" geom = sr.shape.__geo_interface__ \n",
" atr = dict(zip(field_names, sr.record)) \n",
" yield dict(geometry=geom,properties=atr)"
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"#shapefiles for African countries can be found here:\n",
"#eg I downloaded a file for Botswana via\n",
"#and then unzipped the file\n",
"#Use the records() function to parse the shapefile\n",
"c= records(f)\n",
"#Here's what a single record looks like\n",
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"input": [
"import json\n",
"#The following routine will generate a json file equivalent of the shapefile\n",
"def geojsonify(shpfile,fn='gtest.json'):\n",
" geojson = open(fn, \"w\")\n",
" features=[row for row in records(shpfile)]\n",
" for row in features:\n",
" row[\"type\"]=\"Feature\"\n",
" geojson.write(json.dumps(dict(type='FeatureCollection',features=features)))\n",
" geojson.close()"
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"map_shp = folium.Map(location=[-25, 15], zoom_start=5)\n",
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"source": [
"## A Couple of Other Handy Tools\n",
"*Lint* tools are tools that check whether or not something is correctly formatted. If geojson is not correctly formatted it won't rended on a map. [geojsonlint]( is one tool for checking that your geojson is well formed.\n",
"If you want to create your own, jhand drawn, shapefile, there are a couple of tools that can help you do it... For example, []( or a new one from Google, [Simple GeoJSON Editor]("
"metadata": {}
#Test if your file exists at the path you're trying...
def isItThere(myfile):
with open(myfile) as myfile:
head = [next(myfile) for x in xrange(2)]
return head
#TH - added path and directory creator
#The following function seems to be a pretty robust, generic function,
#for downloading an arbitrary file to our local machine
import requests
import os
def download_file(url,path=''):
''' Download a file from a particular URL to current directory/path with original filename '''
local_filename = url.split('/')[-1]
#Create a new directory if it doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(path):
# NOTE the stream=True parameter
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
return local_filename
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