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ptsakyrellis / ArrayDataSource.swift
Created February 15, 2016 15:17
Swift Class aimed to simplify the implementation of datasource methods for table or collection views where the data is an array.
Class aimed to simplify the implementation of datasource methods for table or collection
views where the data is an array.
This allows us to re-use code and slim our view Controllers.
import Foundation
import UIKit
class ArrayDataSource<CellType: UIView, ItemType>: NSObject, UITableViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDataSource {
var items: [ItemType]
ptsakyrellis / UICollection+.swift
Created March 14, 2016 21:14
CollectionType and MutableCollectionType extensions to be able to easily shuffle items
CollectionType and MutableCollectionType extensions to be able to easily shuffle
import Foundation
extension CollectionType {
/// Return a copy of "self" with its elements shuffled
func shuffle() -> [Generator.Element] {
var list = Array(self)
ptsakyrellis / UIFont+.swift
Created March 14, 2016 21:15
UIFont extensions to be able to get bold and bold italic fonts directlky from a UIFont object
UIFont extensions to be able to get bold and bold italic fonts directlky
from a UIFont object
import Foundation
import UIKit
extension UIFont {
func withTraits(traits:UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits...) -> UIFont {
ptsakyrellis / UIView+.swift
Created March 25, 2016 15:54
UIView extension to programmatically round specific corners of an UIView
extension UIView {
Rounds the given set of corners to the specified radius
- parameter corners: Corners to round
- parameter radius: Radius to round to
func roundCorners(corners: UIRectCorner, radius: CGFloat) {
_roundCorners(corners, radius: radius)
ptsakyrellis / googleapiClient.php
Created February 11, 2018 16:45
Connect to Google API in PHP
$scope = '';
$jsonKeyFilePath = '../config/client_secrets.json';
$client = new \Google_Client();
ptsakyrellis / gapi.js
Created February 11, 2018 19:03
Displays a google analytics chart {
* Authorize the user with an access token obtained server side.
'serverAuth': {
'access_token': '{{ token.access_token }}'
ptsakyrellis / php-config.yml
Created March 16, 2018 15:51
PuPHPet yaml config - PHP
install: '1'
version: '70'
- cli
- intl
- mbstring
- opcache
ptsakyrellis / apache-config.yml
Created March 16, 2018 15:54
PuPHPet config file apache section
install: '1'
version: 2.4
user: www-data
group: www-data
default_vhost: false
manage_user: false
manage_group: false
sendfile: 0
ptsakyrellis / AppKernel.php
Created March 16, 2018 15:56
Symfony AppKernel cache and log directories change
public function getCacheDir()
if (in_array($this->environment, array('dev', 'test'))) {
return '/dev/shm/votre_appli/cache/' . $this->environment;
return parent::getCacheDir();
ptsakyrellis / config-nfs.yml
Created March 16, 2018 15:57
PuPHPet configuration file nfs section
sync_type: nfs #default
mount_options: ['nfsvers=3','vers=3','actimeo=1','rsize=8192','wsize=8192','timeo=14','rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp']
linux__nfs_options: ['rw','no_subtree_check','all_squash','async']