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puzzeljp / 0_reuse_code.js
Created March 20, 2014 05:13
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
373 :名無しさん@編集中:2011/02/12(土) 21:48:39 ID:YURJtswR
374 :名無しさん@編集中:2011/02/12(土) 21:49:46 ID:2/vAzqWO
ctrl shift Y
$(".embed-responsive-item")[0].src += "?autoplay=1";
$(this).unbind("click").fadeOut("fast");//or some other way to make sure that this only happens once
puzzeljp / file0.txt
Last active October 20, 2015 05:49
El Capitan 10.11 GM で Ruby on Rails の環境を作る ref:
sudo xcodebuild -license
puzzeljp / file0.txt
Last active October 6, 2015 10:22
アップデートした El Capitan で Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib (LoadError) と出る ref:
bin/rails:6: warning: already initialized constant APP_PATH
***/bin/rails:6: warning: previous
definition of APP_PATH was here Usage: rails COMMAND [ARGS]
The most common rails commands are: generate Generate new code
(short-cut alias: "g") console Start the Rails console (short-cut
alias: "c") server Start the Rails server (short-cut alias: "s")
dbconsole Start a console for the database specified in
(short-cut alias: "db") new Create a new Rails application. "rails new my_app" creates a
puzzeljp / file0.txt
Last active October 8, 2015 02:46
El Capitan からの font-family の指定方法 ref:
font-family: "ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", Meryo, "メイリオ", Osaka, "MS Pゴシック", "MS P Gothic", sans-serif;
font-weight: 300;
body {
width: 80vw;
margin: 15vh auto;
font-family: Avenir Next, AXIS Std, 'YuGothic', 'Yu Gothic', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', 'Meiryo', sans-serif;;
a {
color: #0288D1;
text-decoration: none;
puzzeljp /
Created November 2, 2019 16:03
error invalid windows-31j character "\xE3" のエラーで haml でコンパイルできないとき

error invalid windows-31j character "\xE3" のエラーで haml でコンパイルできないとき -# coding: utf-8

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
sudo raspi-config nonint do_change_locale ja_JP.UTF-8
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt purge wolfram-engine scratch nuscratch sonic-pi idle3 smartsim java-common libreoffice* -y