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Quirino Gervacio qgervacio

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qgervacio /
Last active June 20, 2019 05:27
Minishift Installation in OSX
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Summary of installation steps of OKD Minishift using Homebrew
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Reference(s):
# Tested in:
# ProductName: Mac OS X
# ProductVersion: 10.14
qgervacio /
Last active January 18, 2020 14:25
Developer Setup in OSX
# ----------------------
# Developer Setup in OSX
# ----------------------
# NOTE: Skip the steps that you don't need.
# Reference(s):
# the retry timing. the first one is always zero since it
# is the first attempt. value is in minutes. in this policy,
# we will get exactly 4 tries within a span of 6 minutes.
# so here, the 3rd attempt will be executed after 2 minutes
# immediately following the 2nd attempt.
app.retry.timings = ${APP_RETRY_TIMINGS:0,1,2,3}
qgervacio / test
Last active October 9, 2020 15:12
try {
final def output = []
final shell = new Shell(this.script)
// find all target files
def path = args.path?: "." "find ${path} -name '*${args.decrypt.gpgExt}'", capture: true).split("\n").each {
final def file = new File(it)
final def parent = file.getParent()
final def tFile = file.getName()