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"$schema": "",
"defaultProfile": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
"copyOnSelect": true,
"copyFormatting": true,
"showTabsInTitlebar": false,
"showTerminalTitleInTitlebar": true,
The Iliad (Homer)
The Odyssey (Homer)
The Republic (Plato)
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Apocolocyntosis (Seneca)
Dubliners (James Joyce)
Exiles (James Joyce)
Ulysses (James Joyce)
Leviathan (Thomas Hobbes)
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
* text=lf
*.cmd text eol=crlf
*.rc text eol=crlf
root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
max_line_length = 120
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
# Clang-Format Configuration
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
# Indent
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 2
ContinuationIndentWidth: 2
IndentPPDirectives: AfterHash
IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
# Clang-Tidy Configuration
Checks: "-*,\

Microsoft Edge

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+ Services
  Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors: Off
  Suggest similar sites when a website can't be found: Off
qis / sink.hpp
Created January 22, 2020 15:56
Custom spdlog sink.
#pragma once
#include <fmt/color.h>
#include <spdlog/details/pattern_formatter.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/sink.h>
class sink : public spdlog::sinks::sink {
sink(spdlog::color_mode mode = spdlog::color_mode::automatic) {
styles_[spdlog::level::trace] = fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_black) | fmt::emphasis::bold;
styles_[spdlog::level::debug] = fmt::fg(fmt::terminal_color::bright_white) | fmt::emphasis::bold;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<assemblyIdentity type="win32"
qis / regex.cpp
Last active June 6, 2022 10:50
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Benchmark LGCG Time LTO Time Iterations LTCG Build LTO Build
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// regex_boost 317 ns 69.1 ns 2133333 00:02.720 00:08.70
// regex_ctre 248 ns 4.79 ns 2800000 05:08.755 00:04.78
// regex_hyperscan 96.7 ns n/a 7466667 00:52.487 n/a
// regex_re2 186 ns 3.97 ns 4072727 00:03.353 00:05.94
// regex_spirit 44.3 ns 0.644 ns 15448276 00:03.487 00:05.25
// regex_std 2371 ns 67.2 ns 280000 00:02.442 00:05.54
// regex_xpressive 552 ns 273 ns 1000000 00:05.369 00:11.52