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work from home

Ching Yi, Chan qrtt1

work from home
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### functions
f() { echo "Failed."; exit; }
echo "Configuring network"
while :; do
qrtt1 /
Created October 5, 2013 12:56 — forked from koenbollen/
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Proof of Concept: UDP Hole Punching
# Two client connect to a server and get redirected to each other.
# This is the client.
# Koen Bollen <meneer koenbollen nl>
# 2010 GPL
  1. General Background and Overview
qrtt1 /
Created February 27, 2016 14:28 — forked from olasd/
Stream video to youtube via ffmpeg
#! /bin/bash
# Diffusion youtube avec ffmpeg
# Configurer youtube avec une résolution 720p. La vidéo n'est pas scalée.
VBR="2500k" # Bitrate de la vidéo en sortie
FPS="30" # FPS de la vidéo en sortie
QUAL="medium" # Preset de qualité FFMPEG
YOUTUBE_URL="rtmp://" # URL de base RTMP youtube
qrtt1 / gist:0600220db1ed1720678b
Created February 27, 2016 14:40 — forked from mtigas/gist:952344
Mini tutorial for configuring client-side SSL certificates.

Client-side SSL

For excessively paranoid client authentication.

Using self-signed certificate.

Create a Certificate Authority root (which represents this server)

Organization & Common Name: Some human identifier for this server CA.

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
qrtt1 /
Created June 1, 2017 16:23 — forked from hlb/Brewfile
clean install

System Preferences

# Enable character repeat on keydown
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

# Set a shorter Delay until key repeat
defaults write NSGlobalDomain InitialKeyRepeat -int 12

# Set a blazingly fast keyboard repeat rate