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Moral questions for veganism

Hypothetically, you are a vegan with an iPhone.

Your choice to become a vegan was because you determined it to be morally correct.

Your moral evaluation is based primarily on two considerations

  • That factory farming is harming the environment
  • That treating animals inhumanely is, well, inhumane
if [ ! -r "/usr/local/git" ] || [ ! -f /usr/bin/git ]; then
echo "Git doesn't appear to be installed via this installer. Aborting"
exit 1
echo "This will uninstall git by removing /usr/local/git/**/*, /etc/paths.d/git, /etc/manpaths.d/git"
printf "Type 'yes' if you sure you wish to continue: "
read response
if [ "$response" == "yes" ]; then
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/git/
var nestedListMatch = function(lists, match) {
var firstItem = lists[0];
if(firstItem === match) {
return match;
}else if (Array.isArray(firstItem)){
var result = nestedListMatch(firstItem, match)
if(result === match) {