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NVTX Push-Pop Range Statistics:
Time(%) Total Time (ns) Instances Average Minimum Maximum Range
------- --------------- --------- ------------- ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------
17.2 64,995,321,276 394,497 164,754.9 625 901,797,038 ucxpy:UCXPY_PROGRESS
14.5 54,752,809,329 486 112,660,101.5 891,800 252,248,846 libcudf:inner_join
10.9 41,264,369,784 243 169,812,221.3 1,515,855 193,479,633 cudf_python:SORT_INDEX
10.6 40,038,984,207 648 61,788,555.9 59,485,360 66,858,388 cudf_python:SCATTER_BY_MAP
10.3 39,047,108,085 243 160,687,687.6 341,675 181,847,452 libcudf:sorted_order
10.0 37,966,864,680 648 58,590,840.6 53,434,145 65,389,102 libcudf:partition