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queeup /
Created May 23, 2024 19:40 — forked from vwbusguy/
Auto Update for power-profiles-daemon
dbus-monitor --system "type='signal',path='/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0',member='PropertiesChanged'" | while read LINE; do
echo ${LINE} | grep battery_BAT0 | grep -q PropertiesChanged
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
BATT_STAT=$(dbus-send --print-reply=literal --system --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:org.freedesktop.UPower.Device string:State | awk '{ print $3; }')
if [ $BATT_STAT -eq 1 ] || [ $BATT_STAT -eq 4 ]; then
LEVEL=$(powerprofilesctl list | grep -q performance && echo "performance" || echo "balanced")
elif [ $BATT_STAT -eq 5 ]; then
queeup /
Created May 5, 2024 20:21 — forked from nielsvanvelzen/
Jellyfin API Authorization

Jellyfin API Authorization

To start using the Jellyfin API, authorization is probably the first thing you'll need to do. Jellyfin's authorization options can be a bit confusing because there are a lot of deprecated options.

Generally there are three ways to authenticate: no authorization, user authorization with an access token or authorization with an API key. The first way is easy, just do nothing. But most often you'll need to use either the access token or API key.

Sending authorization values

There are multiple methods for transmitting authorization values, however, some are outdated and scheduled to be removed. It's recommend to use the Authorization header. If header auth isn't an option, the token may be sent through the ApiKey query parameter. Sending secure data in a query parameter is unsafe as the changes of it leaking (via logs, copy-paste actions or by other means) are high. Only use this method as a last resort.

queeup /
Created March 16, 2024 19:20 — forked from AnatomicJC/
Backup android app, data included, no root needed, with adb

Backup android app, data included, no root needed, with adb

adb is the Android CLI tool with which you can interact with your android device, from your PC

You must enable developer mode (tap 7 times on the build version in parameters) and install adb on your PC.

Don't hesitate to read comments, there is useful tips, thanks guys for this !

Fetch application APK

queeup /
Created March 16, 2024 13:04 — forked from gsurrel/
Samsung Galaxy S8 debloat list
# Phone apps and services #
adb shell "cmd package install-existing" # SIM toolkit
adb shell "cmd package install-existing" # SIM toolkit (maybe for dual-sim devices)
adb shell "cmd package install-existing" # SIM card manager, maybe required, contains configuration and settings for handling dual SIM (give a SIM an icon, a name, and so on)
adb shell "pm uninstall -k --user 0" # The 4th tab in the Phone app for 'local places'
adb shell "pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sec.vsim.ericssonnsds.webapp" # NSDSWebApp. The Non Sim Device Solution (NSDS) is linked to VoLTE and VoWifi (Wifi Calling). NSDS allows connecting non sim devices to IMS core:
adb shell "pm uninstall -k --user 0" # Part of the Android Compatibility Test Suite:
- This page is a collection of some of the Advanced queries from the [[Datalog]] channel on the [[Logseq/Discord]] server. #datalog
id:: 61db13f4-75e8-4f87-ad60-3ac3479c5fc8
- ### Resources
- [link: The first message on the datalog channel](
- [link: Logseq docs - Advanced queries](
- [link: Logseq datascript schema](
- [link: Logseq frontend db model](
- [link: How to Graph Your Data - talk by Paula Gearon](
- [link: Domain modelling with datalog - talk by Norbert Wojtowicz](
- [link: Athens Research ClojureFam](
queeup / configuration.nix
Created March 3, 2024 21:01 — forked from 0atman/configuration.nix
A rebuild script that commits on a successful build
}: let
hostname = "oatman-pc"; # to alllow per-machine config
in {
networking.hostName = hostname;
queeup /
Created February 1, 2024 21:47 — forked from orhun/
Notes on my Arch Linux installation: UEFI/Secure Boot + systemd-boot, LUKS-encrypted root (XFS), LUKS-encrypted swap (with hibernate & unlocked via TPM)
queeup /
Created January 28, 2024 08:49 — forked from yosoufe/
Increase the volume of Freebuds 3 on Ubuntu 18.04


This is documentation for myself in hope of helping others. I do not accept any responsibility. Follow the instruction at your own risk. I tested it with Ubuntu 18.04 and it worked. This was also a practice for myself to automate something in Linux.

Solving Freebuds 3 volume problem on Linux

My freebuds 3 had a very low volume on Ubuntu 18.04 until I saw this answer. So running the following command 4 times resolved the issue

dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0/dev_<mac_address_of_headphones> org.bluez.MediaControl1.VolumeUp

Just note that the mac address should be seperated with _ underscore rather than : which you may find in the bluetooth settings.

queeup /
Created September 1, 2023 22:59 — forked from Brainiarc7/
This gist will show you how to tune your Intel-based Skylake, Kabylake and beyond Integrated Graphics Core for performance and reliability through GuC and HuC firmware usage on Linux.

Tuning Intel Skylake and beyond for optimal performance and feature level support on Linux:

Note that on Skylake, Kabylake (and the now cancelled "Broxton") SKUs, functionality such as power saving, GPU scheduling and HDMI audio have been moved onto binary-only firmware, and as such, the GuC and the HuC blobs must be loaded at run-time to access this functionality.

Enabling GuC and HuC on Skylake and above requires a few extra parameters be passed to the kernel before boot.

Instructions provided for both Fedora and Ubuntu (including Debian):

Note that the firmware for these GPUs is often packaged by your distributor, and as such, you can confirm the firmware blob's availability by running:

Using VSCode Flatpak to launch Podman containers for DevContainers with Support for "Container Features" (In SilverBlue)


Install Visual Studio Code

Install Visual Studio Code and a Podman tool

~ flatpak --user install flathub com.visualstudio.code