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_R1 = v4;
_R0 = (int)dword_BC70;
VLD1.64 {D16-D17}, [R0@128]
VMOV.F64 D18, D16
VMOV R0, R1, D18
VMOV.F64 D18, D17
VMOV R2, R3, D18
want to change commit hash in remote: 12345678
locally in your pulled repo. you are on the master branch, run the following:
git checkout 12345678
git commit --amend --author "AUTHOR_NAME <AUTHOR_EMAIL>"
==> get the commit hash printed after you run this (i.e. 87654321)
git replace 12345678 87654321
git filter-branch -f -- --all
git replace -d 12345678
quend / xen & vnc
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
access xenserver outside of localhost
Steps to access XENServer from XENCenter on a different subnet
[+] On the Router
1) Port forward on the router (virtual servers) ports 443, 22, 80, 5900-6000
2) setup DMZ on the router with the subnet address of your xenserver
[+] On the Xenserver
3) edit this file /opt/xensource/libexec/qemu-dm-wrapper
- after the line "qemu_args = ['qemu-dm-%d'%domid] + argv[2:]"
- add "qemu_args.append("-vnc")"
download all files recursively from an apache hosted url - starting at the file specified
wget -r -np -nH –cut-dirs=3 -R index.html http://hostname/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/
quend / Kext Dev
Created June 18, 2015 15:32
Dis/En - able extension signature checks OSX
Enable (disables signature requirements)
sudo nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1
Disable (enables signature checks - normal mode)
sudo nvram -d boot-args
import os
import sys
import time
import shutil
import tempfile
import subprocess
def log(msg):
sys.stdout.write("[+] %s\n" % msg)
roundMapEa = 0x5004
currentRnd = 0
out = []
while currentRnd < 23:
roundEa = Dword(roundMapEa + 4 * currentRnd)
i = 0
round_list = []
while i < 3476:
quend /
Created September 14, 2015 16:32
from rounds import round_map
from prime_index_map import prime_map
import struct
import binascii
out = ""
for lround in round_map:
i = 0
val = 1
while i < len(lround):
currentEa = 0x2214
i = 0
out = []
while i < 3476:
currentEa += 2
i += 1
fd = open(r'', 'wb')
10:33 loo : Hello
10:33 loo : xerphn: did you fix your issue?
10:33 loo : doom: 200 upvotes!
10:33 loo : Do people sleep now?
10:33 aweinstock :
10:33 RyanWithZombies : doom: welcome to the frontier of human knowledge
10:33 RyanWithZombies : at ToB, that's our response to when people are googling something and the only thing that comes up is projects by other ToB members
10:33 *** : Playback Complete.
10:33 Mode: +nrt
10:33 Created at: Nov 13, 2014, 11:37 PM