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- item.pros.each do |pro|
= pro
PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION! We'll be meeting at Cintrifuse and the Brandery's new location Union Hall (1313 Vine St.). We also have a food sponsor for this meeting (thank you Differential!) so we'll be providing pizza.
We're going to have three talks:
Ry Walker will be giving a brief intro to Meteor talk. Heard of Meteor but don't know much about it? Then this is your talk. Come and learn about the awesomeness of Meteor.
Bruce Hubbard will be giving a brief talk about new JavaScript ES2015 language features. There has been a huge effort lately to compile other languages into JavaScript (Coffeescript, TypeScript, etc) mostly because of perceived flaws in the JavaScript language. ES2015 is a great leap forward for JavaScript and helps fix some of the long complained about quirks and missing language features.
Josh Owens will be giving a brief talk about the thinking that goes into securing a Meteor application. While running Meteor Club and helping others with their Meteor applications Josh has