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Hey guys, check out this escaped url:
queso / error.log
Created January 23, 2015 15:44
I20150123-10:37:18.729(-5)? [xolvio:cucumber] Cucumber is running
W20150123-10:37:19.047(-5)? (STDERR)
W20150123-10:37:19.048(-5)? (STDERR) RuntimeError: RuntimeError
W20150123-10:37:19.048(-5)? (STDERR) Problem: Variable Resource Not Found - {"headers":{"Accept":"application/json","Connection":"keep-alive","User-Agent":"webdriverio/webdriverio/2.4.2","content-length":"0","host":""},"httpVersion":"1.1","method":"DELETE","url":"/session/cookie/meteor_login_token","urlParsed":{"anchor":"","query":"","file":"meteor_login_token","directory":"/session/cookie/","path":"/session/cookie/meteor_login_token","relative":"/session/cookie/meteor_login_token","port":"","host":"","password":"","user":"","userInfo":"","authority":"","protocol":"","source":"/session/cookie/meteor_login_token","queryKey":{},"chunks":["session","cookie","meteor_login_token"]}}
W20150123-10:37:19.048(-5)? (STDERR)
W20150123-10:37:19.048(-5)? (STDERR) Callstack:
W20150123-10:37:19.048(-5)? (STDERR) -> cookie("DELETE",
queso / gist:acc18f17490db7508b13
Created September 11, 2014 05:43
What I've learned from a year with Meteor.js
Learn the strengths and weaknesses of Meteor.js from Josh Owens, who has been using it full time since April 2013. The talk goes over things like the core principles, packaging system, hosting, the great community, testing, and much more. Get the inside scoop on why you should give Meteor.js a look.
queso / blog.mkd
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
The (not so) real problems with meteor.js

The FUD around the Meteor.js platform

I ran across a post on reddit the other day asking why Meteor.js wasn't everywhere, and the amount of FUD surrounding meteor.js made me chuckle a little.

Let's dive into some of the reasons people cited.

Meteor is too much magic

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke

queso / test.js
Created March 18, 2014 20:27
Testing for book
Tinytest.add('MeteorFile - read', function (test) {
test.equal(1, 1, 'Expected values to be equal);
#configuring the system
#install meteor
curl -L | /bin/sh
# This is the Meteor install script!
# Are you looking at this in your web browser, and would like to install Meteor?
# Just open up your terminal and type:
# curl | sh
# Meteor currently supports:
# - Mac: OS X 10.6 and above
queso / why.mkd
Created October 29, 2013 23:41
Why Meteor

Why Meteor?

I remember first getting started with Rails back in 2004, it was a "magical time" - of course I remember get questioned at least once a week why someone would want to use rails. My answer was always the same, developers love the framework because they can build things faster in a way they enjoy to work. I've been working with Meteor full time for over a month now and I wanted to give some answers to "Why Meteor" because I am hearing the same question a lot.

Hook-ups are hard

When a client asks us to build an app, they are really asking for a fully interactive web app that utilizes javascript to get rich client interfaces. The problem is when you start with something like rails then javascript was an afterthought - something bolted on long after the technology was built. Sure, you can spend a few days getting something cobbled together that is workable and a developer could be happy working in, but rails was developed and became widespread because it adopted convention over configuration.

queso / stacktrace.rb
Created August 28, 2013 23:44
Stack trace
activerecord-3.2.14/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb:245→ query
activerecord-3.2.14/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb:245→ block in execute
activerecord-3.2.14/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:280→ block in log
activesupport-3.2.14/lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:20→ instrument
activerecord-3.2.14/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:275→ log
newrelic_rpm-→ block in log_with_newrelic_instrumentation
newrelic_rpm-→ trace_execution_scoped
newrelic_rpm-→ log_with_newrelic_instrumentation
activerecord-3.2.14/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb:245→ execute
activerecord-3.2.14/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql2_adapter.rb:213→ execute
queso / email.txt
Created August 7, 2013 17:47
Hey Josh,
Sounds like a pretty intriguing event.
We have plenty of space for that size group. When you say working on projects for 48 hours, do you literally mean that you'd need the space for 48 hours straight? That'd be the only potential complication I see, but is still something we could figure out.
Since we're open to the public on Sat & Sun, we usually charge a minimum purchase fee based on the amount of space we need to reserve. For a group that size, we'd charge $1,000min (not including gratuity) for every 4 hours that we're open when you rent the space. So, if you guys spend at least $1,000 over that time period, then you wouldn't owe anything else, but if you spent just $500, you'd owe another $500 as a rental fee. The minimum should be pretty easy to cover. If you have 100 people and everyone has 2 beers, you'd be at $1,200.
We have plenty of power, but most of the outlets are placed in the tasting room and around the brew deck, so we'd likely need to run extension chords down to the area