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from sumy.parsers.html import HtmlParser
from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from sumy.summarizers.lsa import LsaSummarizer as Summarizer
from sumy.nlp.stemmers import Stemmer
from sumy.utils import get_stop_words
import requests
def summarize_html(url:str, sentences_count:int=3, language:str='english') -> str:
parser = HtmlParser.from_url(url, Tokenizer(language))
pip install sumy
pip install streamlit
import nltk
echo "export NLTK_DATA=<PATH-TO-YOUR-DATA> >> ~/.zshenv"
def summarize_html(url: str, sentences_count: int, language: str = 'english') -> str:
Summarizes text from URL
url: URL for full text
sentences_count: specifies max number of sentences for return value
language: specifies language of text
def news_api_request(url: str, **kwargs) -> list:
Sends GET request to News API endpoint
url: full URL for endpoint
kwargs: please refer to
News API documentations:
url = ''
articles = news_api_request(url, apiKey=api_key, sortBy='publishedAt', country='us')
summaries = summarize_news_api(articles)
{'source': {'id': None, 'name': None},
'author': '',
'title': '',
'description': '',
'url': '',
'urlToImage': '',
'publishedAt': '',
'content': '',
'summary': ''}
import streamlit as st
name = st.text_input('Enter Name')
if not name:
name = 'World'
st.write(f'Hello {name}')
streamlit run