I hereby claim:
- I am r on github.
- I am raffi (https://keybase.io/raffi) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is A422 AE14 57F4 145D DE5E 10C2 9405 9054 E8EF F260
To claim this, I am signing this object:
// npm install twitter <- requirement | |
CONSUMER_KEY = ''; | |
OUTPUT_FILE = 'twitter.tsv'; |
var http = require("http"); | |
var url = require("url"); | |
function writeResponse(response, code, text) { | |
response.writeHead(code, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); | |
response.write(text); | |
response.end(); | |
} | |
function index(response) { |
set default_parallel 10; | |
register 'lib/jython.jar'; | |
register 's3://tumo/scripts/date.py' using jython as datefunctions; | |
tweets = load 's3://tumo/input/twitter*.tsv' using PigStorage as (tweet_id:long, created_at:chararray, user_id:long, text:chararray, in_reply_to_status_id:long, retweet_tweet_id:long, retweet_created_at:chararray, retweet_user_id:long, retweet_text:chararray, latitude:double, longitude:double); | |
limited_tweets = limit tweets 10; | |
millisecond_tweets = foreach limited_tweets generate tweet_id, datefunctions.dateToMillis(created_at); | |
describe millisecond_tweets; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
from twisted.internet import reactor, task | |
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol | |
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint | |
import re | |
class PlexKiwi(Protocol): | |
def connectionMade(self): | |
self.initializeConnection() | |
testMode = '' |
class ThreadLocal[T](init: => T) extends java.lang.ThreadLocal[T] with Function0[T] { | |
override def initialValue:T = init | |
def apply = get | |
def withValue[S](thunk:(T => S)):S = thunk(get) | |
} |
def stream[T](f: => T, t:T => Boolean):Stream[T] = { | |
val v = f | |
if (t(v)) Stream.cons(v, stream(f, t)) else Stream.empty | |
} | |
def whileNotNull[T](f: => T):Stream[T] = stream(f, {t:T => t != null}) |
def significant_figures(num) | |
sn = num.to_s.sub(/e[-+]*\d+$/i, '') # remove the scientific notation | |
sn = sn.sub(/0*$/, '') unless sn.include?('.') # remove any trailing zeros | |
sn.sub('.', '').sub(/^[-+]?0*/, '').length # remove the sign, leading zeros | |
end |
function xmlcurl { | |
curl -s $1 | tidy -xml -i -w 0 -q | |
} | |
YAHOO_API_ENDPOINT="http://where.yahooapis.com/v1" | |
# get this APP_ID from http://developer.yahoo.com/geo/geoplanet/ | |
# lookup a string and find a matching WOEID | |
function woeid_search { | |
LOC=$(echo -n "$1" | perl -pe's/([^-_.~A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg'); |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# update_profile_background_image.rb | |
# | |
# a simple example of how to construct the OAuth signatures necessary to upload | |
# a background image to a Twitter profile page. this will call | |
# account/update_profile_background_image.xml with the contents of | |
# 'background.png' (must be in the same directory as this script). care has | |
# been given to document this script, as well as to correlate lines in this | |
# script with the OAuth Core 1.0 specification (http://oauth.net/core/1.0/). |