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being cool

Rachel White rachelnicole

being cool
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1. 01 - forty fours unsets.mp3<br>
2. 01 - Privacy Had A Bad Ticker.mp3<br>
3. 01 - racebannon-song of zarathustra - track 01.mp3<br>
4. 01 - Your Sweet 666.mp3<br>
5. 01 A.R.E. Weapons - Don't Be Scared.mp3<br>
6. 01 James Brown - Get Up I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine.mp3<br>
7. 01 The Rapture - Out of the Races and Onto the Tracks.mp3<br>
8. 01-on broken wings-maybe the earth is flat-pms.mp3<br>
9. 01-thrice-all thats left-its.mp3<br>

My love for computers began in the 90s, but my love for coding became evident to me in the early aughts. Sure, I had made fanpages for Professional Wrestlers and helped run music magazines for teens, but those were projects for everyone else— not intensely personal sites born of love. Around 2001 I started seeing a lot of other teenagers with their own domains. They had blogs, hostees, guestbooks, blogrolls, custom layouts made with pirated versions of Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop, tiny 8px fonts, bright colors, and were all unique. I still remember the one that really made me want my own: Gleeb was run by another teenager named Melissa. Her layouts were always clean, she liked the same music as me, and had really cool hostees (a host/hostee relationship is where you lend out your shared hosting space to your online friends, giving them their own subdomain), needless to say — I was inspired. My Angelfire and Geocities days were fueled through haphazardly put together Frontpage sites, combined with

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