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radekk / rc.html
Created November 25, 2019 11:33
Intigriti XSS challenge solution 11.2019 - Race Condition
<iframe id="ifr"></iframe>
var ifr = document.getElementById('ifr');
ifr.src = '';
ifr.onload = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
ifr.src = '';
radekk /
Last active April 27, 2020 04:43
Detect malicious npm packages published by ~hacktask account
# Author: @radekk
# List of vulnerable packages is from
# ----------------------
_VULN_PACKAGES="babelcli crossenv cross-env.js d3.js fabric-js ffmepg gruntcli http-proxy.js jquery.js mariadb mongose mssql.js mssql-node mysqljs nodecaffe nodefabric node-fabric nodeffmpeg nodemailer-js nodemailer.js nodemssql node-opencv node-opensl node-openssl noderequest nodesass nodesqlite node-sqlite node-tkinter opencv.js openssl.js proxy.js shadowsock smb sqlite.js sqliter sqlserver tkinter"
radekk / entropy.js
Created June 7, 2017 18:16
Calculating Shannon's entropy with JavaScript
* Calculate Shannon's entropy for a string
module.exports = (str) => {
const set = {};
c => (set[c] ? set[c]++ : (set[c] = 1))
radekk / entropy.table.txt
Created June 7, 2017 17:50
Shannon's entropy for sample strings
║ String ║ Entropy ║
║ ║ 3.8937 ║
║ ║ 4.2728 ║
║ /etc/init.d/rc4/ ║ 3.5133 ║
║ button[value="test1337"] ║ 3.9183 ║
radekk /
Last active November 16, 2017 15:21

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