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rafaelmadeira / application_controller.rb
Created November 29, 2012 11:26 — forked from mazuhl/application_controller.rb
Putting together a traffic analytics model and controller for a Ruby on Rails app based on this presentation about Scribd (see slides 17 to 22).
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper :all # include all helpers, all the time
protect_from_forgery # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details
# Scrub sensitive parameters from your log
# filter_parameter_logging :password
before_filter :log_page_view, :except => [:destroy]

Polymorphic Associations reversed

It's pretty easy to do polymorphic associations in Rails: A Picture can belong to either a BlogPost or an Article. But what if you need the relationship the other way around? A Picture, a Text and a Video can belong to an Article, and that article can find all media by calling

This example shows how to create an ArticleElement join model that handles the polymorphic relationship. To add fields that are common to all polymorphic models, add fields to the join model.

Polymorphic Associations reversed

It's pretty easy to do polymorphic associations in Rails: A Picture can belong to either a BlogPost or an Article. But what if you need the relationship the other way around? A Picture, a Text and a Video can belong to an Article, and that article can find all media by calling

This example shows how to create an ArticleElement join model that handles the polymorphic relationship. To add fields that are common to all polymorphic models, add fields to the join model.

# Simple bijective function
# Basically encodes any integer into a base(n) string,
# where n is ALPHABET.length.
# Based on pseudocode from
# make your own alphabet using:
# (('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + (0..9).to_a).shuffle.join
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'redis'
# To use, simply start your Redis server and boot this
# example app with:
# ruby example_note_keeping_app.rb
# Point your browser to http://localhost:4567 and enjoy!
rafaelmadeira /
Created May 22, 2017 20:09 — forked from mattsears/
Todo.rb: A simple command-line TODO manager written in Ruby


Todo.rb is a simple command-line tool for managing todos. It's minimal, straightforward, and you can use it with your favorite text editor.

Getting Started

Todo.rb doesn't require any third-party gems so you can copy the file anywhere and use it as long as it's executable: