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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Use this script to test if a given TCP host/port are available
cmdname=$(basename $0)
echoerr() { if [[ $QUIET -ne 1 ]]; then echo "$@" 1>&2; fi }
cat << USAGE >&2
╰─ command fastlane test ─╯
[15:51:38]: -------------------------------------------------
[15:51:38]: --- Step: Verifying required fastlane version ---
[15:51:38]: -------------------------------------------------
[15:51:38]: Your fastlane version 2.28.3 matches the minimum requirement of 2.28.3 ✅
[15:51:38]: ------------------------------
[15:51:38]: --- Step: default_platform ---
[15:51:38]: ------------------------------
[15:51:38]: Driving the lane 'ios test' 🚀
[15:51:38]: -----------------------
class CurlInterceptor extends Interceptor {
void onRequest(RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler) {
try {
final qp = options.queryParameters;
final h = options.headers;
final d =;
final curl =
'curl -X ${options.method} \'${options.baseUrl}${options.path}' +
(qp.length != 0 ? qp.keys.fold('', (value, key) => '$value${value.length == 0 ? '?' : '&'}$key=${qp[key]}\'') : '\'') +