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def text_to_word_list(text, remove_polish_letters):
''' Pre process and convert texts to a list of words
method inspired by method from eliorc github repo:'''
text = remove_polish_letters(text)
text = str(text)
text = text.lower()
# Clean the text
text = sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9^,!?.\/'+]", " ", text)
text = sub(r"\+", " plus ", text)
from unidecode import unidecode
def text_to_word_list(text, remove_polish_letters):
''' Pre process and convert texts to a list of words
method inspired by method from eliorc github repo:'''
text = remove_polish_letters(text)
text = str(text)
text = text.lower()
# Clean the text
def create_tfidf_dictionary(x, transformed_file, features):
create dictionary for each input sentence x, where each word has assigned its tfidf score
inspired by function from this wonderful article:
x - row of dataframe, containing sentences, and their indexes,
transformed_file - all sentences transformed with TfidfVectorizer
features - names of all words in corpus used in TfidfVectorizer
def replace_sentiment_words(word, sentiment_dict):
replacing each word with its associated sentiment score from sentiment dict
out = sentiment_dict[word]
except KeyError:
out = 0
return out
replacement_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[replaced_closeness_scores, replaced_tfidf_scores, file_weighting.title, file_weighting.rate]).T
replacement_df.columns = ['sentiment_coeff', 'tfidf_scores', 'sentence', 'sentiment']
replacement_df['sentiment_rate'] = replacement_df.apply(lambda x: np.array(x.loc['sentiment_coeff']) @ np.array(x.loc['tfidf_scores']), axis=1)
replacement_df['prediction'] = (replacement_df.sentiment_rate>0).astype('int8')
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=lambda y: y.split(), norm=None)
features = pd.Series(tfidf.get_feature_names())
transformed = tfidf.transform(file_weighting.title)
words = pd.DataFrame(word_vectors.vocab.keys())
words.columns = ['words']
words['vectors'] = words.words.apply(lambda x: word_vectors.wv[f'{x}'])
words['cluster'] = words.vectors.apply(lambda x: model.predict([np.array(x)]))
words.cluster = words.cluster.apply(lambda x: x[0])
words['cluster_value'] = [1 if i==0 else -1 for i in words.cluster]
words['closeness_score'] = words.apply(lambda x: 1/(model.transform([x.vectors]).min()), axis=1)
words['sentiment_coeff'] = words.closeness_score * words.cluster_value
word_vectors = Word2Vec.load("../preprocessing_and_embeddings/word2vec.model").wv
model = KMeans(n_clusters=2, max_iter=1000, random_state=True, n_init=50).fit(X=word_vectors.vectors)
positive_cluster_center = model.cluster_centers_[0]
negative_cluster_center = model.cluster_centers_[1]