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rafal szulczewski rafszul

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rafszul /
Last active July 18, 2017 05:07
github pages for angular-cli -->> and `ng build --prod` command

first build production with aot

ng build --prod

--prod build is a 'meta' flag, that set other flags. If you do not specify --prod you will get the --dev defaults.

--prod sets:

--aot as true --environment as prod

<md-card class="card-demo" >
<md-card-title>Responsive Layout Directions</md-card-title>
<md-card-subtitle>Layout direction changes to 'column' for 'xs' or 'sm' viewport sizes:</md-card-subtitle>
<div class="containerX">
<div fxLayout="row" fxLayout.xs="column""column" fxFlex class="coloredContainerX box" >
<div fxFlex> I'm above on mobile, and to the left on larger devices. </div>
<div fxFlex> I'm below on mobile, and to the right on larger devices. </div>
<h1 fxFlexAlign="center" [style.xs]="{'font-size.rem': 3 }" []="{'font-size.rem': 5}" []="{'font-size.rem': 7}">
<small>sm</small>{{ title }}<small>Invest</small></h1>
<md-card fxLayout="row" fxLayout.xs="column""column" fxLayoutWrap>
<md-card *ngFor="let item of items | async" fxFlex="50">
<h5>{{ }}</h5>
<img md-card-avatar src="{{ item.img }}">
rafszul / ___gist-descriptions
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
gist descriptions for various collections of code/text/graphics
gist descriptions for various collections of code/text/graphics

there isn't much left of the original construct

it is a very old technology

I read the text written by the donor

it's written in my first language but even though I used to live in the same region the reality of the donors most immediate surrounding seems way deeper in 20 century than ... em the reality I remember.

so who was he? this donor?

so what do we have here

two individuals

both deceased

both from late 1990

both went missing

rafszul /
Last active September 1, 2015 01:11

that's awesome, i mean all of it :-) before i get to specific issues there are few things i would like you to be aware of.

i am running on a tight schedule and have a conference this week so might need to do as much as possible for sd@ldf2015 this weekend.

that means i might need to be talking at you during the weekend :-) but not to worry just ignore me until you have some time later (i presume during the week) and then just engage with the stuff in the way you would normally do.

this applies to the text below