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lo1: flags=2008049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff000000
maclabel secureos/external
Nov 5 13:01:24 2013 EST f_ssh_server a_general_area t_attack p_major
pid: 45848 ruid: 0 euid: 0 pgid: 45848 logid: 0 cmd: 'sshd'
domain: ssh2 edomain: ssh2
category: policy_violation event: ACL deny attackip:
attackburb: internal srcip: srcport: 23927
srcburb: internal dstip: dstport: 22 dstburb: internal
protocol: 6 service_name: sshd user_name: swadmin
auth_method: failed-Password rule_name: Deny All cache_hit: 0
reason: Traffic denied by policy.
sm_marid_is_fqdn(sm_marid *context, char const *s)
int saw_dot = 0;
if (s == NULL || *s == '\0')
sm_marid_log(context, SM_MARID_LOG_FAIL,
"*** domain is %s ***",
s == NULL ? "null" : "empty");
return 0;
VisibilityNotify event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x1c00001,
state VisibilityFullyObscured
VisibilityNotify event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x1c00001,
state VisibilityUnobscured
Expose event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x1c00001,
(0,0), width 845, height 10, count 3
Expose event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x1c00001,
дорогая Бранстера
взгляд (моя)
все время
спальная земле
пока забуду я
дети родят
встречала лорд она
она живая прав
наше цели сдел
так мы хотели бы
дорогая госпожа Бранстера
ты на мой взгляд
все время
спальная на земле
пока я забуду
дети родят
моя тётя встречала господа
она живая правда
наше намерение сделают
так мы хотели бы
Dear Ms. Branstner
you are on my mind
all the time
I'm sleeping on the ground
for now, I'll forget about
babies born
my aunt has met the lord
she is living proof
that our intentions do
what we want 'em to
10:14:27-0700 vshn $ cat /tmp/hakka.json| jq 'select(.client.ip == "") |.timestamp,.edge.rateLimit.processedRules,.clientRequest.uri'
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:144: Loading Admin API endpoints
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:165: No API endpoints loaded for plugin: response-transformer
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:165: No API endpoints loaded for plugin: correlation-id
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:165: No API endpoints loaded for plugin: statsd
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:161: Loading API endpoints for plugin: jwt
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:165: No API endpoints loaded for plugin: cors
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:161: Loading API endpoints for plugin: basic-auth
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:161: Loading API endpoints for plugin: key-auth
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:165: No API endpoints loaded for plugin: ldap-auth
E 2018/03/16 19:24:57 [debug] 46#0: *352 [lua] init.lua:161: Loading API
--- Cassandra cluster client module.
-- Cluster module for OpenResty.
-- @module resty.cassandra.cluster
-- @author thibaultcha
-- @release 1.3.2
-- Modified from
-- Adds some extra debug logging used during development
local resty_lock = require 'resty.lock'