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You have a 16x16 grid of which the 4 centermost cells are always 100 degrees and the cornermost cells are always 0 degrees. All other cells start at 50 degrees.

For example, a 6x6 grid would look like this:

|  0  | 50  | 50  | 50  | 50  |  0  |
| 50  | 50  | 50  | 50  | 50  | 50  |

| 50 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 50 | 50 |

nvnivs / Psake-Build.ps1
Last active May 10, 2023 15:44
Generic Psake build script
Properties {
$baseDir = Resolve-Path .
$project = Split-Path $baseDir -Leaf
$artifactDir = "$baseDir\Build\Packages"
$version = "1.0.1"
Task Default -Depends Build
Task Clean {
if (Test-Path "$baseDir\build") {