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Ram Reddy ram-devsecops

  • EITS
  • United States
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# Windows AMIs don't have WinRM enabled by default -- this script will enable WinRM
# AND install 7-zip, curl and .NET 4 if its missing.
# Then use the EC2 tools to create a new AMI from the result, and you have a system
# that will execute user-data as a PowerShell script after the instance fires up!
# This has been tested on Windows 2008 SP2 64bits AMIs provided by Amazon
# Inject this as user-data of a Windows 2008 AMI, like this (edit the adminPassword to your needs):
# <powershell>
# Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
# Usage: .\DisableNuGetPackageRestore.ps1 C:\Path\To\Solution.sln
# Get the path that the user specified when calling the script
$solution = $args[0]
$solutionPath = Split-Path $solution -Parent
$solutionName = Split-Path $solution -Leaf
# Delete the .nuget directory and all contents
Remove-Item (Join-Path $solutionPath ".nuget") -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 0