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Ramanathan RV ramanathanrv

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ramanathanrv / godel_sample_weblab_config_20140822001
Created August 22, 2014 07:25
Godel sample Weblab configuration for controlling the library for SBI Netbanking, SBI Credit Cards and HDFC cards
"ANDROID_VERSION_9" : 0, /* Disable Godel completely for Android API level 9 */
"ANDROID_VERSION_17" : 1, /* Explicitly enable Godel for Android API level 17 */
"pi_SBINB" : 0.1, /* Enable Godel only for 10% for SBI NetBanking */
"pi_SBICC": 0.05, /* Enable Godel only for 5% for SBI NetBanking */
"pi_HDFC": 0.5, /* Enable Godel for 50% for HDFC card users */
ramanathanrv / payment_details
Created August 26, 2014 10:46
Payment Details for Juspay Browser Fragment
import in.juspay.godel.core.PaymentDetails;
// setup the initial parameters for the browser fragment
PaymentDetails paymentDetails = new PaymentDetails();
// clientId uniquely identifies the weblab configuration rules to apply
// customerId uniquely identifies a customer
ramanathanrv / gateway_routing_logic_samples
Last active February 15, 2017 17:35
Routing Logic for choosing the best gateway to handle your transaction
// WARNING: This code is a sample to test your logic of gateway priority. This is NOT to be used as such.
def order = [order_id: "ord_id", amount: 1000.00, udf1:"web", udf2: "desktop", gateway_id: 2]
def txn = [txn_id: "txn_id", express_checkout: true, add_to_locker: false ]
def payment = [card_isin: "524368", card_issuer: "HDFC Bank", card_type: "CREDIT"]
def setGatewayPriority = { gateways ->
println "priority: " + gateways;
ramanathanrv / gateway_priority_logic
Created November 28, 2014 16:20
Code for deciding gateway priority.
// available variables order, txn, payment
def priorities = ["HDFC", "ICICI"] // default
if (payment.card_issuer == "ICICI Bank") { // if ICICI Bank card, use ICICI
priorities = ["ICICI", "HDFC"]
else if (order.udf1 == "mobile" && order.udf2 == "android") // for android transactions, use ICICI
priorities = ["ICICI","HDFC"]
ramanathanrv / gist:59fb412e1c75a1d9398a
Created June 3, 2015 13:15
Serialize map to POST data in Java
StringBuffer paramStr = new StringBuffer();
for(String key : params.keySet()) {
String postData = paramStr.toString();
ramanathanrv / gist:31c0b687f0177c37b892
Created June 3, 2015 13:37
Juspay web authentication
var juspayResponse = JSON.parse(res); // assuming that `res` holds the data return by JusPay API
var url = juspayResponse.payment.authentication.url
var method = juspayResponse.payment.authentication.method
var frm = document.createElement("form") = "none"; // ensure that the form is hidden from the user
frm.setAttribute("method", method);
frm.setAttribute("action", url);
if(method === "POST") {
ramanathanrv / payu_postdata_juspay
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
// payment information goes here
String url = "";
String postData = "key=C23ARn&txnid=shop_test-55040ae184bd1-12&amount=1.0&productinfo=Description not provided&";
args.putString("url", url);
args.putString("postData", postData);
// analytics information goes here. These information are used only for analytics & tracking success/failure information
args.putString("clientId", ":clientId");
args.putString("merchantId", ":merchantId");
args.putString("orderId", ":orderId");
ramanathanrv / luhn.js
Created November 19, 2015 13:05
Luhn check for cards
* Validate the given card using the Luhn checksum algorithm. Returns `true` if the card
* is valid, else returns `false`.
* Example:
* isCardValid("4242424242424242") // returns true
* isCardValid("4242424242424243") // returns false
var isCardValid = (function (arr) {
return function (ccNum) {
ramanathanrv / bug_report_policy
Created April 29, 2016 13:59
Policy for bug reporting and categories
Focus areas
Cross site request forgery on critical actions (control panel is out of scope)
Cross site scripting (XSS)
Remote code execution / shell injection
Authentication bypass
SQL injection
P1/P2 Issues:
Remote code execution
ramanathanrv /
Created May 26, 2016 06:57
Calculate HMAC SHA-256 for a given message
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
public String calculateSignature() {
String secretKey = "<insert secret key here>";
String serialized = "order_id=1464092311945&status=CHARGED&status_id=21";
String algorithm = "HmacSHA256";
serialized = URLEncoder.encode(serialized);
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), algorithm);