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Andrew Melton ramielrowe

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sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get \
--option "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" \
--assume-yes install build-essential python-dev \
python-software-properties linux-headers-virtual linux-headers-`uname -r`
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install bridge-utils pylint python-setuptools screen unzip wget psmisc gcc git lsof openssh-server openssl python-virtualenv python-unittest2 iputils-ping wget curl tcpdump euca2ools tar python-dev python2.7 bc libyaml-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev gettext tgt lvm2 qemu-utils libpq-dev open-iscsi libnspr4-dev pkg-config libxml2-dev libxslt-dev tgt lvm2 qemu-utils libpq-dev open-iscsi dstat libxml2-dev python-eventlet python-routes python-greenlet python-sqlalchemy python-wsgiref python-pastedeploy python-xattr python-iso8601 gettext python-beautifulsoup python-dateutil python-paste python-pastedeploy python-anyjson python-routes python-xattr python-sqlalchemy python-webob pylint python-eventlet python-nose python-sphinx python-mox python-coverage python-cherrypy3 python-migrate python-lxml python-pastescript python-pastedeploy python-paste sqlite3 python-pysqlite2 python-sqlalchemy pytho
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install bridge-uti
ls pylint python-setuptools screen unzip wget psmisc gcc git lsof openssh-server openssl python-virtualenv python-unittest2 iputils-ping wget curl tcpdump euca2ools tar python-cmd2
python-dev python2.7 bc libyaml-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev gettext tgt lvm2 qemu-utils libpq-dev open-iscsi open-iscsi-utils libnspr4-dev pkg-config libxml2-dev libxslt-dev tgt lvm
2 qemu-utils libpq-dev open-iscsi open-iscsi-utils dstat libxml2-dev python-eventlet python-routes python-greenlet python-sqlalchemy python-wsgiref python-pastedeploy python-xattr
python-iso8601 python-beautifulsoup python-dateutil python-paste python-pastedeploy python-anyjson python-routes python-xattr python-sqlalchemy python-webob pylint python-eventlet
python-nose python-sphinx python-mox python-coverage python-cherrypy3 python-migrate python-lxml python-pastescript python-pastedeploy python-paste sq
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v1.1.3
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am ramielrowe on github.
* I am ramielrowe ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is B040 EF16 1583 2DA4 0A73 C8E5 F716 B03A 76CC 31DE
To claim this, I am signing this object:
>>> class test(object):
... def __getattr__(self, name):
... print name
... return lambda *a, **k: 1
>>> t = test()
>>> t.blah('a')
./nova/virt/libvirt/ C901 'LibvirtConfigGuestDisk.format_dom' is too complex (28)
./nova/virt/libvirt/ C901 'LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk.format_dom' is too complex (20)
./nova/virt/libvirt/ C901 'LibvirtConfigGuestInterface.format_dom' is too complex (22)
./nova/virt/libvirt/ C901 'LibvirtDriver.cleanup' is too complex (20)
./nova/virt/libvirt/ C901 'LibvirtDriver._volume_snapshot_delete' is too complex (24)
./nova/virt/libvirt/ C901 'LibvirtDriver._create_image' is too complex (25)
./nova/virt/libvirt/ C901 'LibvirtDriver._get_guest_config' is too complex (66)
./nova/virt/xenapi/ C901 'VMOps._spawn' is too complex (34)
./nova/virt/vmwareapi/ C901 'VMwareVolumeOps._iscsi_get_target' is too complex (22)
1) checkout the top most commit of patch set (i.e. isn't needed for any other patches)
(git fetch refs/changes/53/123553/3 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD)
2) checkout a new branch
(git checkout -b "blah")
3) do an interactive rebase down to the commit before our changes. (you can do a 'git log' to find this)
(git rebase -i fe2d5d2730b1ec798e3d41023eaa1599c9937f58)
4) change 'pick' to 'edit' for commits you want to edit
5) make needed changes to patch, add them (git add), then commit them (git commit --amend)
6) git rebase --continue and repeat 5 until you're done
def test_get_image_meta_cached_uses_system_metadata(self, mock_get_image):
mock_get_image.return_value = self.image
instance = self.instance_obj
instance.image_ref = 'fake-image-1'
with mock.patch('nova.utils.instance_sys_meta') as mock_inst_sys_meta:
mock_inst_sys_meta.return_value = mock.sentinel.inst_sys_meta
image_meta = compute_utils.get_image_metadata(
self.ctx, self.mock_image_api, 'fake-image-1', instance)