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Maniacal Chicken random-person-001

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import math
from turtle import Turtle
def radToDeg(rad):
return rad / math.pi * 180
def degToRad(deg):
return deg * math.pi / 180
class Orbiter():
random-person-001 /
Last active September 25, 2018 04:04
Calculate superroots of numbers to arbitrary precision with python. With a separate process, it can provide a fancy graph of how fast it's doing things.
# Python
# Written by me and a friend
# on 15 Sept 2018
# Written to run on Linux. For windows, change the system('clear') to the windows version (idk)
# Works way better in python2 than python3. I think that's something to do with the decimal library, which is weird.
# Requires matplotlib
from decimal import *
#!/usr/bin/env/ python3
# although this should probably work on python2 too
# This draws a Maurer Rose, using simple Turtle graphics.
# (see
# It's cuz they look pretty.
# This is public domain.
random-person-001 / aborter.ks
Created July 17, 2019 21:55
KerboScript program to automatically run a launch abort sequence in Kerbal Space Program if it detects Bad Things
// aborter.ks
// A passive script to run an abort sequence under bad circumstances.
// This works well as a boot script (put it under
// Kerbal Space Program/Ships/Script/boot/ and set the boot script in the vehicle
// editor)
// Vehicle configuration: