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tankhuu /
Created January 15, 2019 11:57
Install GoAccess - real-time web log analyzer in Amazon Linux
sudo yum install ncurses-devel geoip-devel libmaxminddb-devel tokyocabinet-devel openssl-devel
tar -xzvf goaccess-1.3.tar.gz
cd goaccess-1.3/
./configure --enable-utf8 --enable-geoip=legacy
sudo make install
# Run
# goaccess /var/log/nginx/access.log -c
alvarotf / async-api-call-helper.service.ts
Created December 22, 2018 21:07
Angular Universal: Using ZoneMacroTaskWrapper to make renderModuleFactory wait for async api calls.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, Observer, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AsyncApiCallHelperService {
lmakarov / lambda-basic-auth.js
Created August 30, 2017 19:15
Basic HTTP Authentication for CloudFront with Lambda@Edge
'use strict';
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Get request and request headers
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const headers = request.headers;
// Configure authentication
const authUser = 'user';
const authPass = 'pass';
derekclee / default.vcl
Last active June 11, 2024 19:51
Varnish Cache Set CORS headers
sub vcl_deliver {
if (req.url ~ "/fonts/") {
set resp.http.Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "*";
set resp.http.Access-Control-Allow-Methods = "GET, OPTIONS";
set resp.http.Access-Control-Allow-Headers = "Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token";
jrnk / ISO-639-1-language.json
Last active July 24, 2024 12:19
ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 codes of languages JSON
{ "code": "aa", "name": "Afar" },
{ "code": "ab", "name": "Abkhazian" },
{ "code": "ae", "name": "Avestan" },
{ "code": "af", "name": "Afrikaans" },
{ "code": "ak", "name": "Akan" },
{ "code": "am", "name": "Amharic" },
{ "code": "an", "name": "Aragonese" },
{ "code": "ar", "name": "Arabic" },
{ "code": "as", "name": "Assamese" },
ellcom / AppleScript.Spotify.PlayPause.scpt
Created August 2, 2014 17:02
Tell spotify to play/pause using AppleScript
using terms from application "Spotify"
if player state of application "Spotify" is paused then
tell application "Spotify" to play
tell application "Spotify" to pause
end if
end using terms from
peterdemartini / jshintrc.txt
Last active June 12, 2019 20:08
My .jshintrc for Node.js and clean JavaScript
"passfail": false, // Stop on first error
"maxerr": 100, // Maximum error before stopping
"node": true, // Enable globals available when code is running inside of the NodeJS runtime environment.
"browser": true, // Standard browser globals e.g. `window`, `document`.
"esnext": true, // Allow specific features such as `const` and `let`.
"bitwise": false, // Prohibit bitwise operators (&, |, ^, etc.).
"camelcase": false, // Permit only camelcase for `var` and `object indexes`.
"curly": false, // Require {} for every new block or scope.
"eqeqeq": true, // Require triple equals i.e. `===`.
joemaygist / applescript_spotify_next_track.applescript
Created April 29, 2013 15:18
AppleScript: Spotify Next track
tell application "Spotify"
next track
end tell
aponxi /
Last active February 21, 2024 11:56
MongoDb Cheat Sheets

SQL to MongoDB Mapping Chart

SQL to MongoDB Mapping Chart

In addition to the charts that follow, you might want to consider the Frequently Asked Questions section for a selection of common questions about MongoDB.


The following table presents the MySQL/Oracle executables and the corresponding MongoDB executables.