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Created November 2, 2017 00:12
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"### Bayesian Naive bayes\n",
"The data set $D$ consists of $n$ pairs of $x$ and $y$\n",
"$$ D = ((x^{(1)}, y_1), ..., (x^{(n)}, y_n)) $$"
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"$x^{(i)}$ is the counts of words in document $i$. There are $d$ different words in the data set.\n",
"$$ x^{(i)} = (x^{(i)}_1, ..., x^{(i)}_d) $$"
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"$y_i$ is the sender of document $i$. There are $m$ different senders in the data set.\n",
"$$ y_i \\in \\{1,...,m\\} $$"
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"The distribution for the sender $y$ is a categorical distribution, parameterized by $\\theta$ probabilities of $y$ being each of the $m$ different senders\n",
"$$ \n",
"p(y|\\theta) =\n",
"Cat(y|\\theta) =\n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \\theta_k^{[y=k]}\n",
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"The distribution for the counts of words $x$ in a document is the multinomial distribution parameterized by $\\phi_{yj}$, the probability of word $j$ appearing in documents from sender $y$.\n",
"$$ \n",
"p(x|y,\\phi) =\n",
"Mult(x|y,\\phi) =\n",
"{\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^V x_j\\right)!}\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^V x_j!}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \\phi_{yj}^{x_j} \n",
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"For reasons that are not at all obvious now, but will come in handy later, we'll re-write this as\n",
"$$ p(x|y,\\phi) =\n",
"{\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^V x_j\\right)!}\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^V x_j!}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{x_j[k=y]} \n",
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"For the priors on $\\theta$ and $\\phi$ we'll use dirichlet distributions as they're the conjugate priors for both the categorical and the multinomial distribution. The priors are parameterized by the hyper parameters $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$."
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"$$ \n",
"p(\\theta) = \n",
"Dir(\\theta|\\alpha) \\propto\n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \\theta_k^{\\alpha_k-1} \n",
"$$ \n",
"p(\\phi) =\n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m p(\\phi_k) =\n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m Dir(\\phi_k|\\beta_k) \\propto\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj}-1} \n",
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"We'll find the posterior of the parameters first\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto p(\\theta)p(\\phi)p(D|\\theta, \\phi)\n",
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"Assuming the data is i.i.d\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto p(\\theta)p(\\phi)\\prod_{i=1}^n p(x^{(i)}|y_i, \\phi)p(y_i|\\theta)\n",
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"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{i=1}^n \n",
"\\prod_{i=1}^n \n",
"p(x^{(i)}|y_i, \\phi)\n",
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"We'll handle the leftmost bracket first. Inserting the definitions.\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \\theta_k^{\\alpha_k-1}\n",
"\\prod_{i=1}^n \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \\theta_k^{[y=k]}\n",
"\\prod_{i=1}^n \n",
"p(x^{(i)}|y_i, \\phi)\n",
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"Introducing $c_k = \\sum_{i=1}^n[y_i=k]$, the count of sender $k$ in the data set\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \\theta_k^{\\alpha_k-1}\n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \\theta_k^{c_k}\n",
"\\prod_{i=1}^n \n",
"p(x^{(i)}|y_i, \\phi)\n",
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"Joining the products\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \n",
"\\theta_k^{\\alpha_k + c_k -1}\n",
"\\prod_{i=1}^n \n",
"p(x^{(i)}|y_i, \\phi)\n",
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"And now the right hand bracket. Inserting the definitions\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \n",
"\\theta_k^{\\alpha_k + c_k -1}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj}-1} \n",
"{\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^V x^{(i)}_j\\right)!}\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^V x^{(i)}_j!}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{x^{(i)}_j[k=y_i]} \n",
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"Dropping the constant term\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \n",
"\\theta_k^{\\alpha_k + c_k -1}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj}-1} \n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{x^{(i)}_j[k=y_i]} \n",
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"Introducing $w_{kj} = \\sum_{i=1}^n x^{(i)}_j[k=y_i]$, the sum of occurences of word $j$ in documents from sender $k$\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \n",
"\\theta_k^{\\alpha_k + c_k -1}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj}-1} \n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{w_{kj}} \n",
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"Joining the products\n",
"p(\\theta, \\phi | D) \\propto \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \n",
"\\theta_k^{\\alpha_k + c_k -1}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} - 1} \n",
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"We're interested in the posterior predictive distribution, i.e. given a new input $\\tilde{x}$ what is the distribution of senders $\\tilde{y}$, conditioned on the data set $D$.\n",
"$$ p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \\int \\int p(\\tilde{x}, \\tilde{y} | \\theta, \\phi, D) p(\\theta, \\phi | D) d\\theta d\\phi $$"
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"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"\\int \n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\theta)\n",
"p(\\theta | D) \n",
"d\\theta \n",
"\\int \n",
"p(\\tilde{x} | \\tilde{y}, \\phi)\n",
"p(\\phi | D) \n",
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"We'll handle the integral over $\\theta$ first. Inserting the definitions\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"\\int \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \\theta_k^{[\\tilde{y}=k]}\n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \n",
"\\theta_k^{\\alpha_k + c_k -1}\n",
"d\\theta \n",
"\\int \n",
"p(\\tilde{x} | \\tilde{y}, \\phi)\n",
"p(\\phi | D) \n",
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"Joining the products\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"\\int \n",
"\\prod_{k=1}^m \n",
"\\theta_k^{\\alpha_k + c_k + [\\tilde{y}=k] - 1}\n",
"d\\theta \n",
"\\int \n",
"p(\\tilde{x} | \\tilde{y}, \\phi)\n",
"p(\\phi | D) \n",
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"This is an integral over the un-normalized $Dir(\\theta|\\alpha_k + c_k + [\\tilde{y}=k])$ distribution.\n",
"Using $\\int \\frac{1}{Z}p(x)dx = 1 \\implies \\int p(x) dx = Z$\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"{\\prod_{k=1}^m\\Gamma(\\alpha_k + c_k + [\\tilde{y}=k])}\n",
"{\\Gamma \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^m \\alpha_k + c_k + [\\tilde{y}=k] \\right)}\n",
"\\int \n",
"p(\\tilde{x} | \\tilde{y}, \\phi)\n",
"p(\\phi | D) \n",
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"Using $\\Gamma(x+1) = x\\Gamma(x)$\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"{(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})}\n",
"{(\\sum_{k=1}^m \\alpha_k + c_k)}\n",
"{\\prod_{k=1}^m\\Gamma(\\alpha_k + c_k)}\n",
"{\\Gamma \\left( \\sum_{k=1}^m \\alpha_k + c_k \\right)}\n",
"\\int \n",
"p(\\tilde{x} | \\tilde{y}, \\phi)\n",
"p(\\phi | D) \n",
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"Dropping the constant terms\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"\\int \n",
"p(\\tilde{x} | \\tilde{y}, \\phi)\n",
"p(\\phi | D) \n",
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"Now for the integral over $\\phi$. Inserting the definitions\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"\\int \n",
"{\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^V \\tilde{x}_j\\right)!}\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^V \\tilde{x}_j!}\n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}]} \n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} - 1} \n",
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"Dropping the constant term\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"\\int \n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}]} \n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} - 1} \n",
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"Joining the products, and moving the product over $k$ outside the integrals\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"\\int \n",
"\\prod_{j=1}^d \n",
"\\phi_{kj}^{\\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} + \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}] - 1} \n",
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"This is an integral over the un-normalized $Dir(\\theta_k|\\beta_{k} + w_{k} + \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}])$ distribution\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d\\Gamma \\left( \\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} + \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}] \\right)}\n",
"{\\Gamma \\left( \\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} + \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}] \\right)}\n",
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"Splitting the sum in the denominator\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d\\Gamma \\left( \\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} + \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}] \\right)}\n",
"{\\Gamma \\left( \\sum_{j=1}^d (\\beta_{kj} + w_{kj}) + \\sum_{j=1}^d \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}] \\right)}\n",
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"Using $\\Gamma(x+n) = x^{(n)}\\Gamma(x)$, where $x^{(n)} = x(x+1)...x(x+n-1)$ denotes the rising factorial\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d (\\beta_{kj} + w_{kj})^{(\\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}])}}\n",
"{\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{kj} + w_{kj}\\right)^{(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}])}}\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d \\Gamma \\left( \\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} \\right)}\n",
"{\\Gamma \\left( \\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{kj} + w_{kj} \\right)}\n",
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"Dropping the constant terms\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d(\\beta_{kj} + w_{kj})^{(\\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}])}}\n",
"{\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{kj} + w_{kj}\\right)^{(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\tilde{x}_j[k=\\tilde{y}])}}\n",
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"Using $x^{(0)} = 1$ by definition\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j})^{(\\tilde{x}_j)}}\n",
"{\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right)^{(\\sum_{j=1}^d\\tilde{x}_j)}}\n",
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"Using $x^{(n)} = \\frac{\\Gamma(x+n)}{\\Gamma(x)}$\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
" \\prod_{j=1}^d\n",
" \\frac{\\Gamma((\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}) + \\tilde{x}_j)}{\\Gamma((\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}))}\n",
" \\frac{\\Gamma\\left(\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right) + \\sum_{j=1}^d\\tilde{x}_j\\right)}{\\Gamma\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right)}\n",
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"Simplifying \n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"\\frac{\\Gamma(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j} + \\tilde{x}_j)}{\\Gamma(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j})}\n",
"\\frac{\\Gamma\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right)}{\\Gamma(\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right) + \\sum_{j=1}^d\\tilde{x}_j)}\n",
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"Simplifying \n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"\\frac{\\Gamma(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j} + \\tilde{x}_j)}{\\Gamma(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j})}\n",
"\\frac{\\Gamma\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right)}\n",
"{\\Gamma\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j} + \\tilde{x}_j\\right)}\n",
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"Simplifying \n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d\\Gamma(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j} + \\tilde{x}_j)}\n",
"{\\Gamma\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j} + \\tilde{x}_j\\right)}\n",
"{\\Gamma\\left(\\sum_{j=1}^d \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right)}\n",
"{\\prod_{j=1}^d\\Gamma(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j})}\n",
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"Simplifying, where $B$ is the multivariate beta function over $j$\n",
"p(\\tilde{y} | \\tilde{x}, D) \\propto \n",
"(\\alpha_\\tilde{y} + c_\\tilde{y})\n",
"{B\\left( \\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j} + \\tilde{x}_j \\right)}\n",
"{B\\left(\\beta_{\\tilde{y}j} + w_{\\tilde{y}j}\\right)}\n",
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