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ravecat / CustomLink.js
Last active October 17, 2020 20:48
js, react
ravecat /
Last active February 13, 2021 07:57
linux, debian
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
case "$1" in
--input) INPUT_ISO="$2"
echo "Found the input iso option, with parameter value $INPUT_ISO"
shift ;;
--file) PRESEED_FILE="$2"
echo "Found the preseed file option, with parameter value $PRESEED_FILE"
shift ;;
ravecat /
Last active May 4, 2024 01:18
debootstrap, livecd

A live CD or live DVD is a complete bootable Linux operating system loaded from a CD or DVD. Although there are a lots of live Linux CDs, for seemingly every taste and purpose, it might still be useful on occasion to build your own. This guide details the steps to build a bootable live CD/DVD based on Debian “wheezy”.

Step 1 – Installing the necessary software

These are the software packages you need to install on your Debian system:

apt-get install xorriso live-build syslinux squashfs-tools

Step 2 – Create a basic filesystem

ravecat / phone.desktop
Last active February 13, 2021 08:00
android, debian
[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Phone Android Emulator
GenericName=My Phone Android Emulator
Exec=$HOME/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator -avd <set .ini phone from $HOME/.android/avd>
ravecat /
Last active May 26, 2020 08:40
[git] Script for sync between git and SVN repos
### Script for sync between git and SVN repos
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
case "$1" in
--commit-ref-name) COMMIT_REF_NAME="$2"
echo "Found the COMMIT_REF_NAME option, with parameter value $COMMIT_REF_NAME"
shift ;;
--commit-sha) COMMIT_SHA="$2"
echo "Found the COMMIT_SHA option, with parameter value $COMMIT_SHA"
const logToFile = function(log) {
var file = require('fs').createWriteStream(__dirname + '/debug.log', {flags : 'w'});
file.write(require('util').format(log) + '\n');