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// Blurring.swift
// TransitionDemo
// Created by Ray Fix on 1/7/16.
import UIKit
protocol Blurring {}
struct MultiArray<Element> {
private var data: [Element] // the actual data
private var counts: [Int] // the size of each dimension
private var offsets: [Int] // multipliers for accessing each dimension quickly
private func computeIndex(indices: [Int]) -> Int {
precondition(indices.count == counts.count)
for (index, count) in zip(indices, counts) {
precondition(index >= 0 && index < count)
rayfix / loop.swift
Created December 4, 2015 21:45
a simple loop
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i += 1
rayfix / ShrödingerEquationSolver2.swift
Created November 29, 2015 04:14
//: # Harmonic Oscillator Schrödinger Equation
//: ## Version 2
//: Numerically Solve for Shrödinger's Equation using the
//: [Numerov method](
//: This example inspired by Quantum
//: Physics for Dummies, Steven Holzner, Wiley 2013.
//: This version is thousands of times faster and more
//: accurate than my more direct port of the original. It starts with
rayfix / ShrödingerEquationSolver.swift
Last active November 26, 2015 02:41
Schrödinger Equation Solver: Harmonic Oscillator
//: # Harmonic Oscillator Schrödinger Equation
//: Numerically Solve for Shrödinger's Equation using the
//: Numerov algorithm. This example inspired by Quantum
//: Physics for Dummies, Steven Holzner, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2013.
//: Had to increase the delta (step size) and reduce the maximum allowed
//: error to make it run in a reasonable amount of time in the playground.
//: (This obviously could be solved by switching to [more] compiled code.)
rayfix / gist:ea2595e5b1e123e849ec
Created July 1, 2015 15:44
A UIView that conforms
import UIKit
// Rather than a generic type with constraints on being a UIView and conforming to Extra
// you could do something like this.
protocol UIViewConvertable {
var uiview: UIView { get }
extension UIView : UIViewConvertable {
var uiview: UIView { return self }
struct TaggedThing<Tag, Thing> {
var value: Thing
protocol A {} // Phantom Type
protocol B {} // Phantom Type
var a = TaggedThing<A, Int>(value: 1)
var b = TaggedThing<B, Int>(value: 2)
rayfix / subscriptions_spec.rb
Created April 22, 2015 01:37
Multiple expect invocations inside a single test example
require 'active_support/all'
class Subscription
def initialize(created_at:)
@created_at = created_at
attr_reader :created_at
def months_subscribed
(( - created_at.to_date) / 30).round
rayfix / ctor.cpp
Created April 8, 2015 23:29
How to construct C++11
// main.cpp
// forward
// Created by Ray Fix on 4/8/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Pelfunc, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
rayfix / didSet_on_array.swift
Created April 7, 2015 18:53
didSet on array crashes my playground
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
var str = "Hello, playground"
struct Thing {
var arr: [Int] = [] {
didSet {