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rca / roles.sls
Created March 8, 2013 01:19
roles pillar data works on salt master, but do not show up on minions
def get_roles(nodename):
Stub function that will by replaced by a dynamic lookup
roles = []
rca / gist:5121424
Created March 8, 2013 23:52
Printing responses being dropped even though master receives payload. Code for output below at:
2013-03-08 23:49:48,566 [salt.master ][DEBUG ] Published command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20130308234948566036', 'tgt': '*', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_local', 'arg': [], 'fun': ''}
2013-03-08 23:49:48,577 [salt.master ][INFO ] AES payload received with command _return
2013-03-08 23:49:48,577 [salt.master ][INFO ] Got return from for job 20130308234948566036
2013-03-08 23:49:48,577 [salt.master ][DEBUG ] {'jid': '20130308234948566036', 'cmd': '_return', 'return': True, 'id': ''}
2013-03-08 23:49:48,587 [salt.master ][INFO ] AES payload received with command _return
2013-03-08 23:49:48,587 [salt.master ][INFO ] Got return from bm-django for job 20130308234948566036
2013-03-08 23:49:48,587 [salt.master ][DEBUG ] {'
rca /
Created March 9, 2013 23:19
VirtualBox aliases
function vautostart() {
cat ${HOME}/.vbox_autostart | while read i; do
${VBOX_MANAGE} startvm --type=headless $i
function _vdo() {
# MIT License:
# Copyright (C) 2012 Heroku, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
# the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
# use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
# of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
# so, subject to the following conditions:

Django is app-based

projects vs. apps

  • templates directory in apps
  • static directory in apps

python collectstatic

rca /
Created May 24, 2013 22:23
Salt mine always returning data belonging to the salt master

Created mine.sls pillar:


def run():
    return {
        'mine_interval': 60,
        'mine_functions': {
 'network.interfaces': [],
rca / docker_registry.conf
Created July 10, 2013 09:11
nginx config for docker registry. The key setting is `client_max_body_size 600M;` which allows large uploads. The setting `proxy_read_timeout 900;` gives the upload enough time to complete (but this might not be needed).
upstream docker_registry {
server {
listen 443;
root /dev/null;
index index.html index.htm;
rca /
Created July 30, 2013 23:37
A working post_save signal handler
class Repository(BaremetalModel):
account = models.ForeignKey('Account')
url = GitURIField()
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.url)
def do_something(self):
rca / foo
Last active December 20, 2015 12:09
{{ salt['baremetal.ssl_cert_path'](domain) }}:
- contents: |
{{ domain['ssl_cert'] | indent(0) }}
rca /
Created August 5, 2013 10:58
Find an available name on Twitter
#!/usr/bin/env python
Find a name in Twitter's packed namespace
Type in a word like your name and get some variations.
import os
import sys