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rdhyee / fargo_io_op_visitSubs_starter.js
Created January 3, 2014 20:09
An example invocation of op.visitSubs in Fargo Scripting ( to run in the JavaScript console in context of a outline to understand how op.visitSubs works.
op.visitSubs ( //get bodytext
function (headline, levelnum) { // lineCallback
console.log("lineCB -> headline, levelnum: " + headline.getLineText () + ", " + levelnum);
function (levelnum) { // indentCallback
console.log("indentCB -> levelnum: " + levelnum);
function (levelnum) { // outdentCallback
console.log("outdentCB -> levelnum: " + levelnum);
rdhyee / print_numbered_outline.js
Created January 4, 2014 03:41
I use this script to print out the textual content of a subtree to the JavaScript Console, numbering each subitem. Example output: 1. A 1.1 A1 1.2 A2 2. B 3. C See for more background.
var t = Array();
op.visitSubs (
function (headline, levelnum) {
t[t.length-1] += 1;
console.log(t.join(".") + ". " + headline.getLineText ());
function (levelnum) {
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[[1, "China", 1385566537], [2, "India", 1252139596], [3, "United States", 320050716], [4, "Indonesia", 249865631], [5, "Brazil", 200361925], [6, "Pakistan", 182142594], [7, "Nigeria", 173615345], [8, "Bangladesh", 156594962], [9, "Russia", 142833689], [10, "Japan", 127143577], [11, "Mexico", 122332399], [12, "Philippines", 98393574], [13, "Ethiopia", 94100756], [14, "Vietnam", 91679733], [15, "Germany", 82726626], [16, "Egypt", 82056378], [17, "Iran", 77447168], [18, "Turkey", 74932641], [19, "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", 67513677], [20, "Thailand", 67010502], [21, "France", 64291280], [22, "United Kingdom", 63136265], [23, "Italy", 60990277], [24, "Myanmar", 53259018], [25, "South Africa", 52776130], [26, "Korea, South", 49262698], [27, "Tanzania", 49253126], [28, "Colombia", 48321405], [29, "Spain", 46926963], [30, "Ukraine", 45238805], [31, "Kenya", 44353691], [32, "Argentina", 41446246], [33, "Algeria", 39208194], [34, "Poland", 38216635], [35, "Sudan", 37964306], [36, "Uganda", 37578876], [37, "Ca
[[1, "China", 1349585838], [2, "India", 1220800359], [3, "European Union", 509365627], [4, "United States", 316438601], [5, "Indonesia", 251160124], [6, "Brazil", 201009622], [7, "Pakistan", 193238868], [8, "Nigeria", 174507539], [9, "Bangladesh", 163654860], [10, "Russia", 142500482], [11, "Japan", 127253075], [12, "Mexico", 118818228], [13, "Philippines", 105720644], [14, "Ethiopia", 93877025], [15, "Vietnam", 92477857], [16, "Egypt", 85294388], [17, "Germany", 81147265], [18, "Turkey", 80694485], [19, "Iran", 79853900], [20, "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", 75507308], [21, "Thailand", 67497151], [22, "France", 65951611], [23, "United Kingdom", 63395574], [24, "Italy", 61482297], [25, "Burma", 55167330], [26, "Korea, South", 48955203], [27, "South Africa", 48601098], [28, "Tanzania", 48261942], [29, "Spain", 47370542], [30, "Colombia", 45745783], [31, "Ukraine", 44573205], [32, "Kenya", 44037656], [33, "Argentina", 42610981], [34, "Poland", 38383809], [35, "Algeria", 38087812], [36, "Sudan", 34847910],
rdhyee / vincent_examples.ipynb
Created January 27, 2014 20:14
IPython notebook to illustrate error I'm getting in trying to use vincent 0.4.3 + IPython 1.1 to display a map
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rdhyee / dimple_test.ipynb
Created March 12, 2014 04:45
Attempt to embed dimplejs into the IPython Notebook
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
rdhyee / MutationObserver.js
Created March 12, 2014 14:33
code bit to observe changes in DOM. Based on
var whatToObserve = {childList: true, attributes: true, subtree: true, attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: ['class', 'style']};
var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutationRecords) {
$.each(mutationRecords, function(index, mutationRecord) {
if (mutationRecord.type === 'childList') {
if (mutationRecord.addedNodes.length > 0) {
//DOM node added, do something
console.log("DOM node added");
else if (mutationRecord.removedNodes.length > 0) {
//DOM node removed, do something
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.