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rduplain / gist:2149194
Created March 21, 2012 16:19
PyCon 2012 Digest for WillowTree Apps

PyCon 2012 Digest

from DevOps team {rduplain,mattd,teebes}, to mobile developers at WillowTree Apps


rduplain / commitments.rst
Created June 23, 2012 21:14
A commitment spec, a data model in structured text for injestion. Collaboration with mattd.

Life Area

Commitment 1


mkaito / post-receive
Created July 27, 2012 02:49
post-receive hook to notify our hubot instance
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Notify hubot when someone pushes.
require 'net/http'
branches = []
cnum = 0
STDIN.each do |line|
(oldref, newref, refname) = line.split
branches.push `git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref #{refname}`.chomp
rduplain /
Last active October 13, 2015 01:47
Build a road-trip curated mp3 directory of a podcast. Our car plays .mp3 files from CD & USB,
"Build a road-trip curated mp3 directory of a podcast."
# Developed against feedparser v5.1.2 and BeautifulSoup v3.2.1.
# pip install feedparser BeautifulSoup
import datetime
import re
import time
import urllib
rduplain /
Last active February 7, 2019 15:40
Use Werkzeug's web-based interactive debugger with Tornado.

Interactive Debugging in any Python Web Project

Ron DuPlain - PyOhio 2013

Turn this:

rduplain /
Last active December 6, 2023 15:08
Demo of the Python `code` module, for interaction and DSLs.

import code

This is a demonstration of the Python [code][1] module, which allows for an interactive interpreter to be embedded into a Python program.

code.interact(banner=None, readfunc=None, local=None)

Convenience function to run a read-eval-print loop. This creates a new instance of [InteractiveConsole][2] and sets readfunc to be used as the

husobee / png-lsb-steg.go
Created August 31, 2014 22:23
VERY simplified LSB stego example on PNGs (lossless)
// example of how to hide data in LSB of colors within a lossless png
package main
import (
rduplain /
Last active November 1, 2015 04:20
Linode NodeBalancer: Passive health checks lead to many false positives.

Linode's NodeBalancer assumes (as of Apr 2015) that a 500 response means that the node should be removed from rotation. Naturally, exceptions happen, so this is a very serious design limitation for any application which allows its code to have uncaught exceptions. I have opened a support ticket, with discussion copied here.

Ultimately, we had to rewrite our 500 responses to a non-50x response, which is strange to our application, but at least the change was limited to an nginx config and a single line of JavaScript to handle our status code as a server error. Linode specifically advised to use a non-50x response. All we need is a configuration in the NodeBalancer to not use passive checks on 500 Internal Server Error responses. There is no such configuration.

Due to the head-scratching nature of this configuration, we used 418 I'm a teapot in place of 500 responses. In nginx:

proxy_intercept_errors on;

error_page 500 =418 /_error/internal-serve

// slack2html
// by @levelsio
frankhenderson / file.cljs
Last active January 20, 2019 04:34
learning about channels ... context: ClojureScript, nodejs, spawning a child_process
(ns some-project.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [put! <! chan alts! timeout]]))
(def -main (fn [] nil))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
(def spawn (.-spawn (js/require "child_process")))