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Created May 11, 2015 11:29
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Thinking functionally with haskell Ch. 1
Display the source blob
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"input": [
"-- imports\n",
"import qualified Data.Char as Char\n",
"import qualified Data.List as List"
"language": "python",
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"prompt_number": 12
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"# Chapter 1 What is functional programming?\n",
"In a nutshell:\n",
" * Functional programming is a method of program construction that emphasises functions and their application rather than commands and their execution.\n",
" * Functional programming uses simple mathematical notation that allows prob- lems to be described clearly and concisely.\n",
" * Functional programming has a simple mathematical basis that supports equa- tional reasoning about the properties of programs.\n",
"## Example: common words\n",
"cell_type": "code",
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"input": [
"type Text = [Char]\n",
"type Word = [Char]\n",
"-- map :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b] from Prelude\n",
"-- toLower :: Char -> Char from Data.Char\n",
"-- map toLower :: Text -> Text\n",
"sortWords :: [Word] -> [Word]\n",
"sortWords = List.sort\n",
"countRuns :: [Word] -> [(Int,Word)]\n",
"countRuns [] = []\n",
"countRuns (x:xs) = (hl, x) : countRuns t\n",
" where hl = 1 + (length . takeWhile (\\v -> x==v)) xs\n",
" t = dropWhile (\\v -> x==v) xs\n",
" \n",
"sortRuns :: [(Int,Word)] -> [(Int,Word)]\n",
"sortRuns = List.reverse . List.sort\n",
"-- take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]\n",
"showRun :: (Int,Word) -> String\n",
"showRun (x,y) = concat [y, \"\\t\", show(x), \"\\n\"]\n",
"-- map showRun :: [(Int,Word)] -> [String]\n",
"-- concat :: [[a]] -> [a] from Prelude\n",
"commonWords :: Int -> Text -> String\n",
"commonWords n = concat . map showRun . take n . \n",
" sortRuns . countRuns . sortWords . \n",
" words . map Char.toLower\n",
"sample = \"cc ba aa ba cc cc\"\n",
"putStrLn $ commonWords 2 sample"
"language": "python",
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"prompt_number": 21
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"## Common Words\n",
"The definition of commonWords is given as a pipeline of eight component functions glued together by functional composition. Not every problem can be decomposed into component tasks in quite such a straightforward manner, but when it can, the resulting program is simple, attractive and effective."
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"## numbers into words\n",
"The example demonstrates another fundamental aspect of problem solving, namely that a good way to solve a tricky problem is to first simplify the problem and then see how to solve the simpler problem."
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"## Exercise A"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": true,
"input": [
"double :: Integer -> Integer\n",
"double x = 2 * x\n",
"map double [1,4,4,3]\n",
"map (double . double) [1,4,4,3]\n",
"map double []\n",
"sample2 = [1,2,3,4]\n",
"sample3 = [[1,2], [3,4], [5]]\n",
"(List.sum . map double) sample2 == (double . List.sum) sample2\n",
"(List.sum . map List.sum) sample3 == (List.sum . concat) sample3\n",
"(List.sum . List.sort) sample2 == List.sum sample2"
"language": "python",
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"prompt_number": 22
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"## Exercise D"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"(words . map Char.toLower) sample\n",
"(map (map Char.toLower) . words) sample"
"language": "python",
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"prompt_number": 24
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"## Exercise F"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"anagrams :: Int -> [Word] -> String\n",
"anagrams n = List.concat . List.intersperse \"\\n\" . map showItem . groupItems . sortItems . map normalize . take n\n",
"normalize :: Word -> (Word,Word)\n",
"normalize w = (List.sort w, w)\n",
"sortItems :: [(Word,Word)] -> [(Word,Word)]\n",
"sortItems = List.sort\n",
"groupItems :: [(Word,Word)] -> [(Word,[Word])]\n",
"groupItems [] = []\n",
"groupItems xxs@((n,w):xs) = (n, hl) : groupItems t\n",
" where hl = (map snd . takeWhile (\\(v,vs) -> n==v)) xxs\n",
" t = dropWhile (\\(v,vs) -> n==v) xs\n",
"showItem :: (Word,[Word]) -> String\n",
"showItem (x,xs) = show . List.concat $ x:\": \":(List.intersperse \",\" xs)\n",
"putStr $ anagrams 5 [\"abc\", \"bca\", \"cab\", \"def\", \"fed\"]"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {
"hidden": false
"outputs": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"text": [
"\"abc: abc,bca,cab\"\n",
"\"def: def,fed\""
"prompt_number": 39
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"hidden": false
"source": [
"## Exercise G"
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"song :: Int -> String\n",
"song n = if n==0 then \"\"\n",
" else song (n-1) ++ \"\\n\" ++ verse n\n",
"verse :: Int -> String\n",
"verse n = line1 n ++ line2 n ++ line3 n ++ line4 n\n",
"number = [\"\",\"one\",\"two\",\"three\",\"four\",\n",
" \"five\",\"six\",\"seven\",\"eight\",\"nine\"]\n",
"man :: Int -> String\n",
"man n = number !! n ++ if n == 1 then \" man\" else \" men\"\n",
"mans :: Int -> String\n",
"mans n = (concat . List.intersperse \", \" . map man . reverse) [1..n]\n",
"cap :: String -> String\n",
"cap [] = []\n",
"cap (x:xs) = Char.toUpper x : xs\n",
"line1 :: Int -> String\n",
"line1 n = cap $ man n ++ \" went to mow\\n\"\n",
"line2 :: Int -> String\n",
"line2 n = \"Went to mow a meadow\\n\"\n",
"line3 :: Int -> String\n",
"line3 n = cap $ mans n ++ \" and his dog\\n\"\n",
"line4 :: Int -> String\n",
"line4 n = \"Went to mow a meadow\\n\"\n",
"putStr $ song 1\n",
"putStr $ song 2"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {
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"outputs": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"text": [
"One man went to mow\n",
"Went to mow a meadow\n",
"One man and his dog\n",
"Went to mow a meadow"
"metadata": {},
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"text": [
"One man went to mow\n",
"Went to mow a meadow\n",
"One man and his dog\n",
"Went to mow a meadow\n",
"Two men went to mow\n",
"Went to mow a meadow\n",
"Two men, one man and his dog\n",
"Went to mow a meadow"
"prompt_number": 32
"metadata": {}
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