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/script testFrame=CreateFrame("Frame")
/script testFrame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
/script testFrame:SetWidth(100)
/script testFrame:SetHeight(100)
/script testTextr=testFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
/script testTextr:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\PowerAuras\Auras\Aura1.tga]])
/script testTextr:SetAllPoints(testFrame)
/script testFrame.texture = testTextr
/script testFrame:SetPoint("LEFT", 0,0)
-- TODO:
-- Align Buff/Debuffs
-- The following lines will hide the default blizzard buffs
-- ItsCool and OhCrap are the two textures used to indicate percentage health
local font = [[Interface\AddOns\oUF_Metzerott\fonts\SFDiegoSans.ttf]]
/swapactionbar 1 2
# 在 xmind “匯出"-> 純文字檔案
perl < 論文6.txt > 論文6_ppt.txt # 把x.x 換成 "\t"
iconv -t big5 論文6_ppt.txt > 論文6_ppt_big5.txt # 改編碼
unix2dos 論文6_ppt_big5.txt # 改 "\n"
# 在 powerpoint 2007 插入投影片 -> 從大綱插入
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use utf8;
next if $_ eq "";
#next if $_ =~ /Note/;
my $count = 0;
$count++ while(s/^[0-9]+[. ][ ]?//);
int main(void)
char buff[1024];
struct timeval init_time, cur_time, diff_time;
gettimeofday(&init_time, 0);
redeyes2015 / gist:828973
Created February 16, 2011 06:59
local warnShadowBlaze = mod:NewSpellAnnounce(94085, 4)--May be quirky
local timerShadowBlazeCD = mod:NewCDTimer(10, 94085)
--Credits to Bigwigs for this. Mine was inaccurate and posts complained theirs was better. I'll still try to verify by hand with good ole /yell macros each time i see a cast ;)
function mod:ShadowBlazeTimer()
if mod:IsDifficulty("heroic10") or mod:IsDifficulty("heroic25") then
if shadowblazeTimer > 5 then--Keep it from dropping below 5
shadowblazeTimer = shadowblazeTimer - 5
redeyes2015 /
Created February 19, 2012 18:43
fake vvtk cam simulator
from bottle import route, request, run, response
import re
import sys
def hello():
return 'Hello world!'
getparam_cache = {}
@route('/cgi-bin/admin/getparam.cgi', mothod='GET')
redeyes2015 / gist:1987211
Created March 6, 2012 16:24
new lib/Makefile
$(MAKE) -C ../include
[ -z "$(dir_1_y)" ] || ( \
$(MAKE) -j$(HOST_NCPU) $(sort $(dir_1_y)) &&\
$(MAKE) -C ../include &&\
$(MAKE) make_links )
[ -z "$(dir_2_y)" ] || ( \
$(MAKE) -j$(HOST_NCPU) $(sort $(dir_2_y)) &&\
$(MAKE) -C ../include &&\
$(MAKE) make_links )
redeyes2015 / gist:3161768
Created July 23, 2012 02:46
global vs classs in python
v = 1
class klass:
global v
def v2(self):
v = 2
def v3(self):
global v
v = 3
print v