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use path -> /c/windows/system32 /c/windows /c/ecere/sdk/tdm/bin /d/p/git/cmd /d/v/a/tools /d/v/a/tools/bin /d/v/a/platform-tools /c/utils/cmd /c/utils/git
adb logcat -d
--------- beginning of system
E/ActivityManager( 1012): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0
E/ActivityManager( 1012): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0
E/ActivityManager( 1012): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0
E/ActivityManager( 1012): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0
W/ResourcesManager( 1012): Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources.
I/libpersona(12124): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10088
I/libpersona(12124): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
redj / full.log
Last active February 20, 2019 06:14
use path -> /c/windows/system32 /c/windows /c/ecere/sdk/tdm/bin /d/p/git/cmd /d/v/a/tools /d/v/a/tools/bin /d/v/a/platform-tools /c/utils/cmd /c/utils/git
adb logcat -d
--------- beginning of system
I/ActivityManager( 1011): Killing (adj 15): empty #31
--------- beginning of main
D/ResourcesManager(10783): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/ExternalStorageProvider.apk
D/ResourcesManager(10800): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/
D/ExternalStorage(10783): After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
W/libprocessgroup( 1011): failed to open /acct/uid_10015/pid_10038/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
D/ConnectivityService( 1011): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "BELL940", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false]
redj /
Created February 16, 2019 03:16
#if defined(USE_IMAGE_READER)
#if defined(USE_IMAGE_READER)
Size imgSize = { bitmap.width, bitmap.height };
Size imgSize = { width, height };
// surface.Stretch(bitmap, 0,0, 0,0, size.w, size.h, bitmap.width, bitmap.height);
use path -> /c/windows/system32 /c/windows /c/ecere/sdk/tdm/bin /d/p/git/cmd /d/v/a/tools /d/v/a/tools/bin /d/v/a/platform-tools /c/utils/cmd /c/utils/git
adb logcat -d
--------- beginning of system
I/libpersona(14258): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10010
I/libpersona(14258): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
I/ActivityManager( 1011): Start proc for content provider pid=14258 uid=10010 gids={50010, 9997, 1028, 1015, 1023} abi=armeabi-v7a
I/ActivityManager( 1011): Killing 12785:com.policydm/1000 (adj 15): empty #31
I/ActivityManager( 1011): Killing (adj 15): empty #31
E/ActivityManager( 1011): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0
E/ActivityManager( 1011): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0
reji: sudo chroot --userspec=nobody:nogroup /home/redj/ci/environments/a20/root sh -c "cd /ci/tools/ecere-sdk; make GCC_PREFIX=i686-w64-mingw32- TARGET_PLATFORM=win32 ARCH=x32 OPENSSL_DIR=/ci/deps/openssl-1.1.1a-win32-mingw"
Bootstrapping eC compiling tools...
Building ecere...
Building ec...
Building ecp...
Building ecc...
Building ecs...
All done!
Building dependencies...
Building FreeType...
redj@tatha:~$ sudo /home/redj/ci/tests/alpine/enter-chroot sh -c "cd /c/ecere-sdk; make wipeclean"
redj@tatha:~$ sudo /home/redj/ci/tests/alpine/enter-chroot sh -c "cd /c/ecere-sdk; make ECERE_AUDIO=n"
Bootstrapping eC compiling tools...
Building ecere...
Building ec...
Building ecp...
Building ecc...
Building ecs...
All done!
#include ""
#include <jni.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#define printf(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "ecere-app", __VA_ARGS__))
import "androidCamera"
class MySurfaceTextureListener
jobject javaInstance;
// the following fields' purpose is to inform reji on which tools are required in an environment to build and test this project
language = C, // default
language = eC, // includes C tools
compiler = gcc, // default
compiler = clang,
compiler = ec1, // default
compiler = ec2,
os = linux, // default
//os = windows,
Starting debug mode
&"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Inappropriate ioctl for device\n"
Reji is your friend!
Try one of these commands:
The program /home/redj/c/e/s/reji/cli/obj/debug.linux/reji has exited normally.

Lepton 3.5 500-0771-01 CAD $405 x 2

questions: maybe we can use just one SparkFun ESP32 and hook up both cameras on it? it does have 30 i/o pins where the camera breakout board each have 8 + 2 for power I think or maybe the 2 are included in the 8 (damn completely useless circuit diagrams, morons)