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Daniil reflash

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public void ExampleMethod()
 object a = new object();
 object b = new object();
 a = null;
 b = null;
public class Program {
public static event EventHandler listener;
static void Main(string[] args) {
string input = "";
bool ended = false;
while (!ended) {
Console.WriteLine("type in command: ");
input = Console.ReadLine();
Program.listener -= new EventHandler(Some);
member this.``Test live cell with no neighbors dies``() =
[|1; 0; 0|];
[|0; 0; 0|];
[|0; 0; 0|]
|> Game.Step
|> should equal [|
[|0; 0; 0|];
member this.``Test left upper corner neighbors is 3``() =
(0, 0, [|
[|0; 1; 0|];
[|1; 1; 0|];
[|0; 0; 0|]
|> Game.NeighborsAt
|> should equal 3
static member NeighboursAt(x : int, y: int, states : int [][]) : int =
[for i in [(x-1)..(x+1)] do
for j in [(y-1)..(y+1)] do
if ((i <> x || j <> y) &&
Utility.InArrayRange i j states.Length)
then yield states.[i].[j];]
|> Utility.FoldBySum
static member Step(states : int [][]) : int[][] =
[| for x in 0..states.Length - 1 do
yield [| for y in 0..states.[0].Length - 1 do
match Game.NeighborsAt(x,y,states) with
| 3 -> yield 1
| 2 -> yield states.[x].[y]
| _ -> yield 0
var http = require("http");
var OPENWEATHER_APP_ID = '<your-openweather-api-key>';
var stringify_temperature = function (weather, city) {
return 'The current temperature at '
+ city
+ ' is '
+ (parseFloat(JSON.parse(weather).main.temp) - 273)
type Movie = { Id : BsonObjectId; Title : string; Score : float }
#r "<path_to_proj>\packages\MongoDB.Driver.<version>/lib/net45/MongoDB.Driver.dll"
#r "<path_to_proj>\packages\MongoDB.Driver.Core.<version>/lib/net45/MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll"
#r "<path_to_proj>\packages\MongoDB.Bson.<version>/lib/net45/MongoDB.Bson.dll"
open MongoDB.Bson
open MongoDB.Driver