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Reggi reggi

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reggi /
Last active August 28, 2015 08:45
How do particles become entangled? #question

How do particles become entangled?

I'm learning more and more about Quantium Mechanics, specifically Quantum Entanglement / “spooky action at a distance”. I watched this video by Derek Muller (@veritasium) on youtube that explains spin and some other things very broadly. At around 1:52 he explains the experiment uses two particles prepared in the same way, formed spontaneously out of energy.

There's a long running forum I found on the matter, but the conversation isn't very concise: How do particles become entangled?.

I'm looking for an explanation of the physical processes that have to occur for two particles to become entangled in such a way that if one particle's spin is measured the value of it's alias's spin is the opposite.

How do particles become entangled?

"font_face": "menlo",
"font_size": 15.0,
"line_padding_bottom": 2,
"line_padding_top": 2,
echo "The following node processes were found:"
ps aux | grep " node " | grep -v grep
nodepids=$(ps aux | grep " node " | grep -v grep | cut -c10-15)
echo "OK, so we will stop these process/es now..."
for nodepid in ${nodepids[@]}
echo "Stopping PID :"$nodepid
reggi /
Created February 24, 2014 02:00
A list of phrases to describe something good / bad.


  • boss
  • dope
  • hustle
  • sick
  • ill
  • epic
  • next level
  • bad ass


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Mindful Matter Documentation

Mindful Matter the new Holstee "Monthly Themed Content Magazine" is up and running. I'm expecting the design to grow and evolve with the more uses we come up with, and I built it in a way that it's super flexible to do that. Please share any thoughts with me that you have about the design, and fight for features you want.

Writing Posts


I created an associative way of managing a string. What that means is it's one value that computes to two. I created special tag prefixes. When a tag has this special prefix and a colin after it the value after is set to that prefix variable. All the images are controlled by tags like image: that image becomes the banner image. There's also type tag if you put type:playlist it will preface the title of the post with something like "Playlist: The essence of clarity". These associative tags are really easy to create so if anyone comes up with any others let me know (

layout: company
date: 2014-03-06 20:18:34
established: 2008
title: "Holstee"
phone: 17189999999
categories: e-commerce

#stripe freenode

<Guest84175> yo any live people here?
<Guest84175> Q: do i need a server to handle this token business
<Guest84175> i wanna send the token directly to you stripe
<Guest84175> via client
<Guest84175> oh comeon!
<Guest84175> this is a simple yes / no question!
<Guest84175> anyone!
> npm update -g express
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using npm@1.4.4
npm info using node@v0.11.12
npm info trying registry request attempt 1 at 18:35:36
npm http GET
npm http 304
npm info trying registry request attempt 1 at 18:35:39
npm http GET
npm info trying registry request attempt 1 at 18:35:40