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reginafcompton /
Last active September 17, 2019 18:51
Leave Your Inhibitions at the Database Connection

The Django ORM


from django.db import models

class Pasta(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    price_per_pound = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2)
reginafcompton /
Last active November 2, 2018 21:39
Queries for Metro Issue No. 342

Get all actions sponsored by current Metro committees

select, s.url from
opencivicdata_billaction as a
join opencivicdata_bill as b
join opencivicdata_billsource as s
where organization_id in ('ocd-organization/511270c2-f9d1-4c28-93ba-b28353454c39','ocd-organization/83c75785-fcc4-4716-8fa9-40a7385ee8be','ocd-organization/5647793a-2447-481b-8b7b-e4f63e08fbc7','ocd-organization/6d61370f-3919-41e7-b30c-d77e7614390e','ocd-organization/caa886f8-9af7-4806-a7f9-ebbc3e5b8887','ocd-organization/253d87a6-5f10-4908-9479-5ab9b197c6f1') and s.note='api' order by desc;

Dump and restore a database

Occasionally, you need to dump a remote database and restore it locally. Many strategies exist for achieveing this end. The following outines one path to succes.

Dump the database

Go to remote location (e.g., a server, your friend's computer), and run:

pg_dump -Fc -U postgres opencivicdata > /tmp/ocd.dump

Dockerizing psql

Sometimes, it makes sense to isolate database dependencies when doing local development (e.g., you need to mimic a remote database). Docker saves the day.

Get postgres 9.6 with postgis

Run the following:

docker run --name postgres96 -it -d -v pg96_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 37000:5432 mdillon/postgis:9.6

Cutting a new pypi release: The case of django-councilmatic

Have you and your friends been making lots of changes to django-councilmatic? are you ready to cut a new release in pypi? Take these steps.

  • Summarize your changes in

  • On a branch, visit and adjust the version of django-councilmatic, e.g. version='0.6.9' becomes version='0.6.10'

  • Push changes to GitHub and merge.

LIS Issue 17

Narrow query

This query filters the lots included in the 2016/17 expansion. The results are not particularly interesting, since most lots in this collection have a proportion of 1.

 nine | eight | seven | six  | five | four | three | two  | one
 3910 |  3912 |  3912 | 3912 | 3912 | 3912 |  3912 | 3912 | 3914
reginafcompton /
Last active January 22, 2018 17:32
Periodically, DataMade needs to manually remove a duplicate or mistakenly added entry in Councilmatic. This gist outlines the process for doing so.

How to remove an entry from Councilmatic

Note: cronjobs can collide with manual data removal from the databases. Please turn off the cron before intervening with the database, or ensure that a cron job is not running at the time of deletion.

Remove the entry from the OCD API

Login to the OCD API server (i.e., ssh, and go to the OCD app: Shell into the database via Django (workon ocd-api + python shell), find the entry, and remove it:

# Example: remove a Bill in the python shell
from opencivicdata.legislative.models import Bill
reginafcompton /
Last active March 29, 2017 15:02
Scraping the Web

Scraping the Web

Get started

What is scraping?

Every webpage contains data. Sometimes, this data proves useful in a context other than the user interface of the webpage itself. Happily, with the right tools, we can extract data from any webpage. Indeed, we might think of a webpage as a “really bad” API (credit: Forest Gregg), with which we can interact and collect information.

At DataMade, we use the lxml library to access webpages. The lxml library parses and processes HTML. It’s well-documented, expansive, and popular.