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Created July 3, 2012 16:12
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I've been playing more with this Erlang factoring technique. As an exercise, I've been trying to force myself to adopt the method, by writing functions that are 3 or less lines long (function clauses actually, so multiple pattern-matched claues are OK).

Death to receive expressions

One place I noticed was causing myself to exceed three lines was receive statements. So I came up with this helper function:

receive_to_fun(Fun) ->
        Message ->

So the question comes up, with this function, is there any reason (other than selective receive) to write another receive statement yourself? Here's a before-and-after:

%% before
handle_receive() ->
        {ok, token} ->
            %% handle token
        {ok, stop} ->
            %% handle stop
        {error, Error} ->
            %% handle Error

%% after
handle_receive() ->
    receive_to_fun(fun handle_receive_message/1).

handle_receive_message({ok, token}) ->
    %% handle token
handle_receive_message({ok, stop}) ->
    %% handle stop
handle_receive_message({error, Error}) ->
    %% handle error

(On a personal note, I also like that this allows us to avoid some of the less desirable parts of Erlang syntax :)

Common patterns to higher-order functions

One of the nice things about functional programming is that we often take common patterns and extract them out into higher order functions, like map, foldl, etc. By writing these tiny functions, I've found that I define more of my own (hopefully reusable) higher-order functions.

Here's another before and after example. This is a snippet from a thread ring program.

%% before
go(Pid, 0) ->
    Pid ! stop,
        stop ->
go(Pid, NumTimes) ->
    Pid ! token,
    _ = receive
        token ->
    go(Pid (NumTimes - 1)).

%% after

%% first define our HOF
send_and_receive(Pid, Message, ReceiveFun) ->
    Pid ! Message,

go(Pid, 0) ->
    send_and_receive(Pid, 0, fun handle_go_receive/1),
go(Pid, NumTimes) ->
    send_and_receive(Pid, NumTimes, fun handle_go_receive/1),
    go(Pid, (NumTimes - 1)).

handle_go_receive(stop) -> ok.
handle_go_receive(token) -> ok.

What we've done is identified sending a message and immediately waiting for a message as a pattern, and turned it into a function, send_and_receive.

I'd be curious if in a larger code-base if a smallish set of these HOF would be reused, or if most of them would only be used once. If they're only used once, are they worth it?

Some more code

Here's the thread ring program I wrote in this style.



receive_to_fun(Fun) ->
        Message ->

send_and_receive(Pid, Message, ReceiveFun) ->
    Pid ! Message,

start_procs(NumProcs, ProcFun) ->
    start_procs(NumProcs, NumProcs, ProcFun, self()).

start_procs(_NumProcs, 0, _ProcFun, Pid) ->
start_procs(NumProcs, CountDown, ProcFun, Pid) ->
    NewPid = spawn(fun () -> ProcFun(Pid) end),
    start_procs(NumProcs, (CountDown - 1), ProcFun, NewPid).

go(Pid, 0) ->
    send_and_receive(Pid, 0, fun handle_go_receive/1),
go(Pid, NumTimes) ->
    send_and_receive(Pid, NumTimes, fun handle_go_receive/1),
    go(Pid, (NumTimes - 1)).

handle_go_receive(_M) -> ok.

proc_fun(Pid) ->
    ReceiveFun = fun (M) -> handle_proc_fun_receive(Pid, M) end,

handle_proc_fun_receive(Pid, 0) ->
    Pid ! 0,
handle_proc_fun_receive(Pid, Number) when is_integer(Number) ->
    Pid ! Number,
handle_proc_fun_receive(_Pid, Error) ->

%% here is the entry function
start(NumProcs, NumTimes) ->
    ProcFun = fun proc_fun/1,
    Pid = start_procs(NumProcs, ProcFun),
    go(Pid, NumTimes).
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dreverri commented Jul 3, 2012

The behavior of the original handle_receive/0 is different as compared to using receive_to_fun/1. The original will leave unmatched messages in the mailbox (selective receive). The receive_to_fun/1 version checks each message and will die on unmatched messages. This isn't a bad thing but something to keep in mind.

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@dreverri, yes, great point. Both should probably be extended to handle other types of messages and handle the error appropriately.

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Nice @reiddraper I finally got around to reading Gar1t's post and saw your link on the right side. Coming from an imperative background it is hard for me to write things like his final output, but when I see how easy it is to test and refactor it makes me want to write more erlang.

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