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Peter Rukavina reinvented

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reinvented / pdoc.php
Last active May 7, 2024 12:49
Automating the use of Canada Revenue's Payroll Deductions Online Calculator in PHP
* get-pdoc.php - Scrape Canada Revenue Agency payroll deductions values
* This script takes an hourly amount, a number of hours, and a year,
* month and day of a pay period ending, and passes these to the
* Canada Revenue Agency Payroll Deductions Online Calculator
* (,
* returning the provincial tax, federal tax, CPP and EI amounts.
reinvented / osm-relation2points.php
Created January 14, 2016 20:56
Quick hack to take an OpenStreetMap bus route relation and convert it to an ordered series of points (suitable for use in a GTFS feed)
// This is the ID of the bus route relation.
$relation = '5838068';
// Retrieve the OSM for the object (which is XML of the relation and all of its children)
$xml = simplexml_load_file("$relation/full");
// First, we'll get all the ways that make up the "route" relation (assuming here there's only one!)
$relation_ways = array();
reinvented / camino-with-waypoints.geojson
Last active April 27, 2020 19:18
Camino Frances walking route with overnight waypoints
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reinvented / charging-stations-pei.geojson
Last active May 13, 2019 17:53
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Prince Edward Island as of May 13, 2019 (from
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reinvented / calculate-payroll.scpt
Created February 26, 2017 19:12
JXA Scripting of, using AJAX to calculate payroll deductions from a remote PHP script
Numbers = Application('Numbers');
Numbers.includeStandardAdditions = true
var table = Numbers.documents[0].sheets[0].tables[0]
var selectedRow = table.selectionRange().cells[0];
var hoursCellRow = selectedRow.row().address();
var weekEndingCell = table.ranges["B" + hoursCellRow + ":B" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
var nameCell = table.ranges["C" + hoursCellRow + ":C" + hoursCellRow].cells[0];
reinvented /
Created December 7, 2018 19:44
Python script to harvest Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly Hansard PDFs and convert them to ASCII text files
#!/usr/bin/env python
# You may need to do these:
# sudo pip install lxml
# sudo pip install requests
# sudo pip install pdfminer
from lxml import html
import requests
reinvented / hansard-to-csv.php
Created December 7, 2018 19:22
A PHP script to convert text files of Prince Edward Island Hansard to a CSV
$files = popen('find ./documents -name "*.txt"', 'r');
$out = fopen('hansard.csv', 'w');
fwrite($out, "date,text,speaker\n");
while (!feof($files)) {
$filename = chop(fgets($files, 4096));
$date = basename($filename);
reinvented / ruklinks.json
Last active July 9, 2018 19:49
Links between blog posts on
reinvented /
Last active June 23, 2018 19:55
Count the number of blog posts per week in Ton's blog
export LC_ALL=C
curl -s | \
grep pubDate | \
sed -e 's/<pubDate>//g' | \
sed -e 's/<\/pubDate>//g' | \
while read -r line ; do
date -j -f "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z" "$line" "+%V"
done | \
sort -n | \
uniq -c
reinvented / caminofrances.geojson
Last active February 14, 2017 16:23
Route map of a walk of the Camino Frances
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