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"title": "Books For Venture Capital Investors",
"subtitle": "The Ultimate Venture Capital Book List",
"byline": "By Venture University",
"intro_md": "Find out more about [Venture University](",
"items": [
"description": "",
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"image_url": ",fl_lossy,h_9000,w_1200,f_auto,q_auto/106216/y28el4gsrbmv79hjgqut.png",
"title": "5 of my all-time favorite books",
"subtitle": "I decided to try something different for my list of holiday books this year.",
"byline": "By Bill Gates | November 21, 2022 • 3 minute read",
"intro_md": "![](\n\nThe holidays are a great time for annual traditions. Like many people, I love to spend the end of the year celebrating the holidays with my family. (We usually wear matching pajamas on Christmas.) I also enjoy sitting down to write my annual list of holiday books, which I’ve done around this time of year for the last decade. It’s always a fun opportunity for me to reflect on everything I’ve read recently.\n\nThis time, though, I decided to try something different. Rather than limit myself to things I’ve read over the previous twelve months, I instead picked books regardless of when I finished them.\n\nOne of the selections has been a favorite of
{"byline":"By tim","intro_md":"the quick brown fox...","items":[{"description":"It's been a while since our last post - life got in the way. A big thanks to everyone who reached out!\n\n\nWe are now restarting our articles, though we might not always write once a week. If we don't think it's interesting, we won't send it to your inbox","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"The Surprising Roots of Japan's Indian Curry","url":""},{"description":"Glenturret Triple Wood 2022 Release was judged the world’s top single malt Scotch whisky at the 2023 International Wines and Spirits Competition (IWSC). The Triple Wood 2022 scored 99 out 0f 100 points to win a Double Gold Medal and was ranked above all the other Scotch whiskies.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":",940,x34,y0,safe&width=1200\" name=\"imag
{"byline":"by tim","intro_md":"here is some intro content\n\nblah blah 123","items":[{"description":"An interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang about the impact of ChatGPT, Nvidia’s new cloud service, and how Nvidia is adapting to new geopolitical and competitive realities.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"An Interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang About AI’s iPhone Moment","url":""},{"description":"A walkthrough of how to build a semantic search engine for scientific papers using OpenAI and Pinecone.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"Building a Semantic Search Engine With OpenAI and Pinecone","url":""},{"description":"A list of React starter kits (Vite, Next, Astro) which help developers to start a React project in 2023 ...","entity":"bo
{"byline":"by tim","intro_md":"this is some intro text","items":[{"description":"Sushi Umi is one of Toronto's best Omakase restaurants. Make your reservation now for a luxurious and unforgettable dining experience.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":",h_1260,al_c/8c3a1a_6cbe05662be240ae9d04c7f42da8004f~mv2.jpg","name":"Sushi Umi | The Best Omakase (Japanese Cuisine) in Toronto","url":""},{"description":"","entity":"image","image_url":"
{"byline":"","intro_md":"","items":[{"description":"Women Talking: Directed by Sarah Polley. With Rooney Mara, Judith Ivey, Emily Mitchell, Kate Hallett. Do nothing. Stay and fight. Or leave. In 2010, the women of an isolated religious community grapple with reconciling a brutal reality with their faith.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"Women Talking (2022) - IMDb","url":""},{"description":"Triangle of Sadness: Directed by Ruben Östlund. With Thobias Thorwid, Harris Dickinson, Charlbi Dean, Jiannis Moustos. A fashion model celebrity couple join an eventful cruise for the super-rich.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"Triangle of Sadness (2022) - IMDb","url":"
"a": 1
{"byline":"","intro_md":"","items":[{"description":"","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"FAIR Animated Drawings","url":""},{"description":"Japan is a very fun, safe, and family-friendly destination. Here's a complete guide to planning a rewarding family trip to Japan.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"Japan with Kids: How to Plan the Perfect Japan Family Trip | Prince of Travel","url":""},{"description":"Discussions:\nHacker News (65 points, 4 comments), Reddit r/MachineLearning (29 points, 3 comments)\n\n\nTranslations: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified) 1, Chinese (Simplified) 2, French 1, French 2, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Russian, Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Vietnamese\n\nWatch: MIT’s Deep Learning State of the Art lectur
{"byline":"","intro_md":"","items":[{"description":"Transactional guarantees are needed outside the traditional model. Typically, modern solutions are workflow-centric or database-centric.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"The Modern Transactional Stack | Andreessen Horowitz","url":""},{"description":"Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API. Contribute to openai/openai-cookbook development by creating an account on GitHub.","entity":"bookmark","image_url":"","name":"openai-cookbook/Question_answering_using_embeddings.ipynb at main · openai/openai-cookbook","url":""},{"description":"A very common use case for GPT involves question answer